Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Recording: Inchoate

Artist: Inchoate

Song: waste [excerpt]*

Recorded at Dundas Video (Track Could Bend #19), October 4, 2016.

Inchoate - waste [excerpt]

Known for his work as a curator and visual artist, Brett Despotovich has also has a sideline in "sidereal soundtrap" musical processing, currently under the Inchoate moniker. Weaving in a few soundbites from Eliot's "The Waste Land" (especially the poem's closing "O swallow swallow", which becomes this piece's centre) his unforced sound-drift was admirably meticulous and austere. [You can also check out full video footage of this set.]

[Despotovich will be launching "Inch toward a sanctuary", an exhibition of new work, on Saturday, November 12th at 2104 Dundas St W. The event will include live performances from Brigitte Bardon't and Inchoate.]

* Thanks to Brett for passing along the title to this piece!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for letting me make sounds for TCB!
    I've titled the set 'waste'
