Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Recording: Abra Cadaver

Artist: Abra Cadaver

Songs: Pigdaters + We Caught The Chill*

Recorded at Comfort Zone ("All Toronto's Parties 2"), May 24, 2014.

Abra Cadaver - Pigdaters

Abra Cadaver - We Caught The Chill

Full review to follow. The first ATP show brought together bands selected by five different live music purveyors in a cool mix'n'match marathon. Upping the ante, the night-time portion follow-up brought a full line-up of recombinant bands (some of them special one-offs) to create a completely unique night. (It should also be noted that this also served as Wavelength's 600th show. Congratulations Wavelength!)

Julie Reich played in the live version of Wolfcow before her solo project Bile Sister took off, so it wasn't too much of a leap to see her co-fronting this amalgamated unit with Greydyn Wolfcow. But together, they took on the air of a Bizarro World Sonny and Cher, pumping out off-kilter pop nuggets in bulk, tossing lyrical fragments back and forth. There's a lot of longstanding bands that can't come up with as many hooks and ideas as this putative one-off.

You can also check out some more pictures from the day on the MFS facebook page.

* Thanks to the commenters that helped me get these titles correct!


  1. Joe, you are wonderful, thank you! The first song is titled, "Pigdaters". The second song is titled "We got the Chill". xo

  2. Pigdaters + We Caught The Chill!

  3. We Caught the Chill is right. Thanks for the correction. :)

  4. Those two songs are Wolfcow tunes that feature Bile Sister on vocals in the recordings. Abra Cadaver performed them live. What a treat! xo
