Artist: "Smellwether 4"
Song: Something Else*
Recorded at Recorded at The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), April 26, 2017.
Smellwether 4 - Something ElseThis somewhat-whimsical re-naming of Bellwether 4 was meant as an acknowledgement that regular drummer Andrew Miller was out-of-town for this one, and not as a comment on Joe Sorbara, who was serving as his fill-in. Sorbara plays with some of the members of this band on the regular in other projects and fit in quite nicely over two sets as Emily Denison (trumpet), Anthony Argatoff (alto saxophone), and Victor Vrankulj (double bass) each provided some compositions from the group's rapidly-growing book.
* I do believe that this was the title called out for this one, but I'm not totally sure. I also think it segues into another piece, but I didn't catch the name of that one. Please leave a comment if you can clear this up!
Hey Joe, this piece is a composition of mine called Silhouette!