Saturday, May 11, 2024

Recording: Tzevi Sherman

Artist: Tzevi Sherman

Song: unknown*

Recorded at The Tranzac's Southern Cross Lounge (Ayal Senior & Friends), April 14, 2024.

Tzevi Sherman - unknown

Ayal Senior's monthly Sunday afternoon showcase opened with some singer-songwriter action. Tzevi Sherman's music was abstracted a bit from his previously-released "nice songs", here coming almost as a suite with linking ambient passages, which often leaned heavily on some POG-enabled organ-y tones for extra atmosphere.

[Ayal Senior & Friends returns to the Southern Cross tomorrow (May 10th) with sets from Ayal Senior & Kurt Newman, William Davison, Karsten Stryker, and Nick Flanagan.]

* One might guess this one is called "Needle and Thread" — please leave a comment if you can confirm!

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