Saturday, May 11, 2024

Recording: Marilyn Yogarajah & Co.

Artist: Marilyn Yogarajah & Co.

Song: [1st piece, last section]

Recorded at The Tranzac's Southern Cross Lounge (Ayal Senior & Friends), April 14, 2024.

Marilyn Yogarajah & Co. - [1st piece, last section]

There'd be no gentle soundbath from Marilyn Yogarajah this time out — instead, a crew of frequent collaborators (Roya Biazar, synth and kazoo; Nilan Perera, guitar; Victor O, percussion) brought some spiky clatter. Host Ayal Senior dubbed the band "Hectic Space", which captures the vibe pretty well.

You can check out the full set over on youtube:

[Ayal Senior & Friends returns to the Southern Cross tomorrow (May 10th) with sets from Ayal Senior & Kurt Newman, William Davison, Karsten Stryker, and Nick Flanagan.]

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