Thursday, May 16, 2024

Recording: Blake Howard

Artist: Blake Howard

Song: Tranzac Raffle Draw

Recorded at The Tranzac's Main Hall (Tranzac Fundraiser I), April 20, 2024.

Blake Howard - Tranzac Raffle Draw

As part of an effort to find and maintain a stable financial footing, The Tranzac has announced a series of quarterly fundraising concerts, drawing on the starpower of some its regular denizens to fill the Main Hall. A bit of a curiousity at hand here, but this presentation was so wonderfully "Blake" that it merits preservation. Well-known in certain circles for his off-the-cuff comments that can send the listener's perceptions on unsuspected perpendicular paths, Blake Howard is a wonderfully-witty wordsmith, and it was a canny choice to have him as MC of the evening's raffle draw while Sandro Perri and bandmates vamped behind him.

[The second Tranzac fundraiser will be taking place on Friday, June 14th with sets from U.S. Girls, Eucalyptus, and Cots.]

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