Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Recording: Casper Skulls

Artist: Casper Skulls

Song: Glories*

Recorded at Artscape Gibraltar Point (Camp Wavelength), August 20, 2016.

Casper Skulls - Glories

Following and expanding on the template of last year's successful festival, Wavelength returned to the island with a meticulously-executed event that included an exciting range of music and a beach full of art beside festival headliner Lake Ontario. It also managed to be a stress-reducing rather than a stress-inducing time — rather like a weekend at the cottage, even if the city was just out of view.

I'd last seen this group in a more rough'n'ready sonic environment, so having them up on the fully teched-out big stage made rather a difference, giving their dynanic range more room to breathe. With some space to stretch out, there's more room to enjoy cuts like this one, which, instead of punching out a single's insistent hook instead goes on a little journey — out somewhere between the marquee moon and the diamond sea.

* Thanks to the band for passing along the title to this one!

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