Two things:
1) Talking with a friend the other day, I noted that in terms of trying to turn people on to music that's important to me, I don't have a lot of "pull", but presumably slightly more than zero. And having just a little bit of pull is fine, as a lot of the shows I go to don't need another hundred, or even fifty people going to them — but it sure as hell would help if there were five more people, or even just a couple more.
2) Meanwhile, mostly to help keep myself organized, I put a little bit of an effort in keeping my concert listings in the right-hand column up-to-date. It's not meant to be any sort of exhaustive list, it's just shows I intend on going to or would like to go to if I had the time. Sometimes I look over them and feel a tiny bit impressed at the quality of the shows collected there. But it's easy not to notice them, especially if you're following the site by RSS.
So I had a brainwave: what if, as I added shows to the lists, I simply kept a separate log of them, and presented them, digest-style, once a week? Monday is often quiet anyways, so for now, expect this to show up at the start of the week — that way I can also toss in a list of things to look out for this week.
I'll think about maybe tweaking the format a bit, maybe adding some links etc, but to be honest, I don't want to create too much more work for myself, so it might just remain stripped-down like this. And so: thoughts? Comments? Good idea?
Gig of the week:
Poor Pilgrim Island Show 6 (feat. Eucalyptus / L CON / Pachamama / Bernice / Soul Sisters Supreme Redux 2.0 / Steve Kado's 2003 / Nick Ferrio) / Toronto Island 2013-07-21 (Sunday)
This week's noteworthy shows:
Audiopollination # 8 (feat. Ken Aldcroft performing short duets) / Arrayspace 2013-07-16 (Tuesday)
Offerings Benefit (feat. Still Boys / Hollow Earth / Eucalyptus) / Double Double Land 2013-07-19 (Friday)
The Disraelis (Ostrich Tuning / PROGRAM) / Measure 2013-07-19 (Friday)
Cruelty Party (B-17 / Cell Memory / Spectre) / The Silver Dollar 2013-07-19 (Friday)
Aldcroft/Thomson/Vorvis (Aldcroft/Cole/Ng) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2013-07-19 (Friday)
Odradek [performing live score to The Adventures of Prince Achmed] / CineCycle 2013-07-21 (Sunday)
Somewhere There Summer Series #8 (feat. Ken Aldcroft's Convergence Ensemble / Friendly Rich and the Lollypop People) / Array Space 2013-07-21 (Sunday)
Add these to your calendar:
Jay Arner (Elsa / No Breakup / Brave Parents) / The Silver Dollar Room 2013-07-25 (Thursday)
Paradise ["a dance party to raise funds for upcoming music video releases"] (feat. Lido Pimienta / Petra Glynt / Bizzarh / Supermoon) / Comfort Zone 2013-07-25 (Thursday)
Zacht Automaat (Fleshtone Aura / Sacred Lamp) / Double Double Land 2013-07-27 (Saturday)
Light Fires (Triple Gangers / Ken Park) / The Piston 2013-08-01 (Thursday)
Fresh Snow [LP Release Show] (Mimico / Village / Amateur) / The Boat 2013-08-08 (Thursday)