Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Recording: Senior/Newman/Furlong

Artist: Ayal Senior/Kurt Newman/Andrew Furlong

Song: Wise Women & Virtuous Wives

Recorded at The Tranzac's Southern Cross Lounge (Ayal Senior & Friends), May 12, 2024.

Ayal Senior/Kurt Newman/Andrew Furlong - Wise Women & Virtuous Wives

With Ayal Senior's Ora currently easing its way out into the world, its players were, as usual, busily working on the next chapter of the songbook. Meanwhile, a welcome return to the stage from bassist Andrew Furlong also saw a few classics being pulled out as well.

[Ayal Senior & Friends returns to the Southern Cross this Sunday afternoon (June 9th) with sets from Senior/Newman, Drew Smith, Nick Flanagan and Michelle Breslin & Ayal Senior's Nocturnes.]

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