Thursday, June 27, 2024

Recording: Drew Smith

Artist: Drew Smith

Song: unknown*

Recorded at The Tranzac's Southern Cross Lounge (Ayal Senior & Friends), June 9, 2024.

Drew Smith - unknown

Sometimes he's known as Dr. Ew, and sometimes the driving force of Bunny, but here it was just Drew Smith, voice and guitar. One of the city's finest tunesmiths, there was nothing more than those delicate strums required to delight with a short set of old and new songs.

* Does anyone know the title to this one? Please leave a comment!

[Ayal will be away, but Ayal Senior & Friends will be back in the Southern Cross on Sunday, July 14th, guest hosted by yours truly and featuring comedy from Nick Flanagan plus music from Jane Inc and You're Steel on My Mind (Joe Strutt & Kurt Newman).]

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