Thursday, August 8, 2024

Recording: Jane Inc

Artist: Jane Inc

Song: An Ordinary Thing

Recorded at The Tranzac's Southern Cross Lounge (Ayal Senior & Friends), July 14, 2024.

Jane Inc - An Ordinary Thing

Guest-hosting Ayal Senior's monthly, I was searching for a performer that I'd like to see more of in a "Tranzac" context — and after some pondering, it seemed obvious that Carlyn Bezic was a perfect candidate. Although often seen performing as a guitar hero or bass monsta, her recent work as Jane Inc has dared to soften the edges a bit and get a little personal, songwriting-wise, so it suited the material to bring it to a stripped down/sitting down context. Accompanied by Edwin de Goeij on keys, the songs (and some sterling fingerpicking on acoustic guitar) really stood out, epecially on some newer, more experimental pieces that will surely gain some extra layers in studio versions.

You can check out some more from this set over on youtube:

[Ayal Senior & Friends will be back at The Tranzac on Sunday (August 11th) with the man himself back in charge and playing with Kurt Newman, alongside sets from David Sait, The Sympathetic String Band, and Nick Flanagan.]

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