Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Download: "Selections, Vol. 2"

While thinking upon the blog's fifteenth anniversary, my mind went back to the last time I made a big deal of my blogiversary. To celebrate MFS' 10th, I put together a pair of shows, split into "rock" and "experimental" varieties.

The original idea was that each of those realms was also going to be represented by a tape compilation, in the style of my 5th anniversary tape. In that, my reach somewhat exceeded my grasp. The "experimental" tape, though I had a rough running order and permissions from the artists, never quite came together; the "rock" tape was at least a thing — I did a small run of hand-duped copies to give to artists and to have a few to sell at that 10th anniversary gig. The idea was that from there I'd get a proper run done at Duplication to put out into the world. For various reasons, that never happened, and the tape kinda slipped out of existence.

Well, it's just too damned good to languish like that. Besides containing some of the artists that meant a lot to me in the course of the blog's history, at five years further along, it feels like a poignant little piece of history. A lot of the spaces where the music was recorded are gone now, and while the people are still around (although quite a few have moved along from T.O.), a lot of the groups have wound down or gone quiet.

So let's celebrate and let them not be forgotten. Head on over to bandcamp and grab yourself a download or just listen to some rather excellent music.

My deepest thanks to the artists who agreed to be a part of this five years ago!

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