Artist: Liechtenstein
Album: Survival Strategies in a Modern World

Oakland's Slumberland Records has been on a tear lately, and ups the ante with the release of this debut full-length from Swedish trio Liechtenstein. These three women from Gothenburg find the sweet spot between the fussiness of the Au Pairs and and the spareness of Young Marble Giants and, in adding plenty harmonies, actually come out sounding influenced by the girl group sound as much as any shambling band you care to dredge up. To contemporary ears, it might make more sense to situate them in the Black Tambourine/Vivian Girls continuum, but Liechtenstein's sound has more AM gold than that might imply. Nine songs in twenty-three minutes, this is packed to the gills with sweetness, reverb and hooks. The songs (all delivered in English) are smartly-written as well.
At an objective level, this isn't world-changing music, but so what? This has quickly become my most-listened to disc of the year. Highest recommendation.
Track Picks: 6 - "Roses in the Park" (listen to an MP3 at Slumberland's website!), 9 - "The End"
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