You can read more about why I'm doing listings here. Long story short: This curated and decidedly non-comprehensive list contains nothin' but shows that I am going to/would go to if I had more time.
Gig of the week:
Too many good shows this week! I had a real problem settling on just one to highlight (and kinda wanted to do three or four) but here's a couple shows that deserve your attention.
Spectrum: Early Expressions / The Annex Theatre 2014-04-17 (Thursday) [more info]
Not only are this night's new compositions musing upon and responding to the works of our artistic ancestors at Chauvet Cave and elsewhere, but there's a pre-concert from an actual archaeologist to push us past our preconceptions on ancient art. The performers include the Ton Beau Quartet, and there's bonus points for Spectrum's unfussy, casual presentation and the haunted-mansion vibes at The Annex Theatre. Tickets only $12 if you buy in advance online! ($15 at the door)
Ken Vandermark's Made to Break Quartet / The Drake Underground 2014-04-19 (Saturday)
I'm not entirely sure what to expect from this new unit from the always-innovating Ken Vandermark, but the promo copy promises that it "combin[es] elements of his interest and experience with the music of Ethiopia and the Ex alongside the New Music ideas of John Cage and Morton Feldman" which sounds very promising.
This week's noteworthy shows:
The Good Family [April residency! Early show every Monday in April!] / The Dakota Tavern 2014-04-14 (Monday) [more info]
Body Help [Colin Fisher/Josh Cole/Kieran Adams, plus special guest Ryan Driver] / The Emmet Ray 2014-04-14 (Monday) [FB event]
Ken Aldcroft/Chris Banks/Jake Oelrichs / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2014-04-15 (Tuesday – early!)
Julianna Barwick (Vasillus / Christine Duncan / Castle If) / Double Double Land 2014-04-16 (Wednesday) [FB event]
CCMC (Colin Fisher + Mike Gennaro) / Musideum 2014-04-16 (Wednesday) [FB event]
BRIDGES #4 (feat. Lido Pimienta with special guest Tanya Tagaq) / Lula Lounge 2014-04-17 (Thursday) [FB event]
Man Forever [Kid Millions Of Oneida] (Mimico / Not The Wind, Not The Flag) / Double Double Land 2014-04-17 (Thursday) [FB event]
Mind Over Mirrors (Koen Holtkamp [from Mountains] / Manticore) / 360 Geary Ave. 2014-04-17 (Thursday) [FB event]
Dust [The Quietest Big Band in the Known World] / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2014-04-18 (Friday – early!) [more info]
The New Mendicants / The Dakota Tavern 2014-04-18 + 2014-04-19 (Friday + Saturday – early shows!) [more info]
Teen Tits Wild Wives [Street Hawks EP Release!] (Sexy Merlin / Rotzig) / Milk Glass Co. 2014-04-18 (Friday) [FB event]
Patti Cake (San Marina / The Meerkats / Labstract) / The Silver Dollar Room 2014-04-18 (Friday) [FB event]
Record Store Day (feat. Unfinished Business / DIANA / Greys / The Bicycles / HSY / PS I Love You) / Sonic Boom 2014-04-19 (Saturday – Sets all afternoon long on the hour! Free + all-ages) [FB event]
Wavelength 595 (feat. Cellphone / Connoisseurs of Porn / Look Vibrant / Mystics) / Smiling Buddha 2014-04-19 (Saturday) [FB event]
Healing Power Residency #3 [Synth'd Out Edition] (feat. Toblerone Boys / PWM) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2013-04-19 (Saturday) [FB event]
Absolutely Free (DOOMSQUAD / Kira May) / 3030 2014-04-19 (Saturday) [FB event]
Construction Vol. 1 ["A summer all-ages music series" from the Long Winter crew] (feat. Tasseomancy / Wish / RLDML) / Double Double Land 2014-04-19 (Saturday) [FB event]
Alaniaris / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2014-04-20 (Sunday – matinée! 3 to 5 p.m.)
Téléphone Maison [Arachnidiscs Cassette Release!] (A Sacred Cloud / Zoo Owl) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2014-04-20 (Sunday) [FB event]
Mount Eerie (Wyrd Visions) [Half–Eaten Guitar Reissue celebration!] / Soybomb 2014-04-20 (Sunday) [FB event]
Sontag Shogun (Blevin Blectum / Khôra) / Gerrard Art Space 2014-04-20 (Sunday) [FB event]

Add these to your calendar:
"A Night of Old Songs" ["Martha Farquhar-McDonnell, Isla Craig, Sean Donald and Tyler Hnatuk sing and play traditional music from Ireland and Scotland"] / The Common 2014-04-23 (Wednesday) [FB event]
Holly Golightly (Dany Laj and the Looks / Freeman Dre & The Soup Kitchen) / The Horseshoe Tavern 2014-04-23 (Wednesday) [FB event]
Clarinet Panic Deluxx [EP Release!] (Keir Neuringer / CCMC) / Oz Studios 2014-04-27 (Sunday) [FB event]
Somewhere There Presents (feat. Lottery Tickets / Sorbara/Liu/Tielli/Segger) / Array Space 2014-04-27 (Sunday)
Alex Bleeker and the Freaks (The Auras / Tess Parks and the Good People) / The Silver Dollar Room 2014-04-29 (Tuesday) [FB event]
CCLA 50th Anniversary Concert Celebration (feat. Jason Collett / Arraymusic Ensemble [playing an original piece by Owen Pallett] / Kobo Town / Axé Capoeira Toronto / Clay and Paper Theatre / Lido Pimienta / Damian Rogers / "TBA" University of Toronto A Cappella Choir) / Trinity St-Paul's Centre 2014-05-03 (Saturday) [FB event]
Somewhere There presents "There is No Magic" (feat. Birth of Troubling Forms / Alexandra Spence, Bea Labikova and No Magic / Odradek) / Array Space 2014-05-04 (Sunday) [FB event]
Audiopollination #18.1: Focus on Voice (feat. Diane Roblin and Cory Sobol / Tena Palmer and Paul Newman / John Creson and Adam Rosen / Rob Piilonen and Zoë Alexis-Abrams) / Array Space 2014-05-13 (Tuesday) [FB event]
Toronto Homicide Squad (Whoop-Zso / Lice / The Kettle Black) / Smiling Buddha 2014-05-20 (Tuesday) [FB event]

Bonus on-screen options!
Besides this week's most excellent concert selection, you should be aware that the Images Festival is running all week as well. If you like a bit of an experimental edge to your music, you might very well enjoy it at the movies as well. "Experimental" doesn't mean "dull and incomprehensible", though you might have to bring a bit more active appreciation to these works than your normal narrative fare. But if you pick any of the programmes of shorts, you'll get a chance to see a variety of approaches without (hopefully) testing your patience too much. Just picking something when you have a free night and experiencing it is highly recommended! Screenings run every night at the cozy Jackman Hall at the AGO.