Monday, June 17, 2024

Monday Roundup #179

Community notes:

  • I know I've said it before, but local critic Carl Wilson was a huge formative influence on what this place has evolved into. Zoilus, his old blog, introduced me to heaps of strange local sounds and the places you could hear them. At a time before I was really even going to those spots and those shows, that sense of familiarization made it easier to make the bold move to check them out — I can only hope I've made such things even a teensy bit more approachable for other folks. In any case, it was sweet to see a nod towards MFS in Wilson's latest substack dispatch talking about "weird-music season in TO", and it occurs to me I should mention to anyone reading this that y'all should be subscribed to his new-ish newsletter 'Crritic!', which takes a more expansive view on musical happenings, locally and internationally.
  • And meanwhile, just a head's-up that Audiopollination's new sign up sheet for the Fall is ready, and filling in fast — so put your name down and go make sounds with some friendly strangers!

Concert announcements:

Solitary Shrew presents (feat. Mira Martin-Gray / Molly McGregor's Pageant puppet play) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2024-06-25 (Tuesday – early). $pwyc, suggested $10. [FB event]

Nick Fraser presents (feat. BLOOP! / Twins [John Oswald/Karen Ng/Christopher A. Williams/Rob Clutton]) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2024-06-25 (Tuesday). $pwyc. [more info]

Karen Ng Presents (feat. Ted Crosby/Phil Melanson/Karen Ng / Swanherds [Rebecca Bruton/Zoë Alexis-Abrams/Felicity Williams/Ryan Driver/Kurt Newman/Pete Johnston/D. Alex Meeks]) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2024-06-27 (Thursday)

All-Set! Presents (feat. Molehill) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2024-06-28 (Friday – early). $pwyc. [more info]

Okavango African Orchestra / Harbourfront Centre – Concert Stage 2024-06-29 (Saturday – 6 p.m.). $free, outdoors, family-friendly. [more info]

Cosmic Homeostasis XXIV / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2024-06-30 (Sunday – 2:30 p.m.). $pwyc. [FB event]

Track Could Bend #93 (feat. Without a Single Green Feather [Sam Laramee/Ezra Schell/Patrick O’Reilly] / Kristina Warren & Karen Ng) / Wenona Lodge 2024-07-02 (Tuesday). $pwyc. [FB event]

Beams (Summer Like The Season / Essie Watts) / Monarch Tavern 2024-08-02 (Friday). $15, 19+. [FB event]

Is your show missing from this list? Submit it via this form!

Shows this week:

Chris Brokaw (Picastro) / The Baby G 2024-06-17 (Monday). $23.57, 19+. [FB event]

Luka Kuplowsky & The Ryōkan Band [How Can I Possibly Sleep When There Is Music double LP release celebration!] (The Heart of Going La [Fan Wu & Thom Gill]) / The Tranzac (Main Hall) 2024-06-18 (Tuesday). $22.63 advance/$25 door. [FB event]

Music Hosted by Karen Ng (feat. Rob Clutton Trio with Kurt Newman) / Wenona Lodge 2024-06-18 (Tuesday). $10/pwyc

Freesound presents Vortex Temporum [works by Gérard Grisey and Wesley Shen] (feat. Freesound Ensemble) / Array Space 2024-06-20&21 (Thursday & Friday) [FB event]

You In Mind (feat. ÏÏÏ / Khôra) / The Music Gallery 2024-06-21 (Friday). $10 MG Members; Pay What You Can Afford $10-$20. [FB event]

Aline's Etoile Magique [Aline Homzy/Michael Davidson/Dan Fortin/Thom Gill/Fabio Ragnelli] / Hirut Café 2024-06-21 (Friday). $20. [more info]

Masahiro Takahashi presents Cha-no-yu (feat. New Chance / Masahiro Takahashi with Brodie West and Blake Howard) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2024-06-21 (Friday) [more info]

Batuki Music Society presents Alkebulan: A Musical African Tale (feat. Djely Tapa/Seydina Ndiaye/Mambo Chivero/Memory Makuri/Fantahun Shewankochew/Melat Mengesha/Adama Daou/Aboulaye Koné/Salif Lasso/Zal Sissokho) / Theatre Passe Muraille 2024-06-22 (Saturday). $23 advance / $25 door. [FB event]

coexisDance #105 (feat. Tara Kannangara/Aisha Sasha John/Nick Dourado/Zoe Houpt/T3N1/Bill Gilliam/Matt Morales/Dora/Ian M Chow/Janel Jones/Cotee Harper/Jen Hum) / Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre 2024-06-22 (Saturday). $15 (sliding)

Labyrinth Musical Workshop Ontario & East End Arts present: Figure Drawing and Makam Music (feat. Isaiah Farahbakhsh & Saghi Faraijani with Evan K. Webb) / Riverdale Park 2024-06-23 (Sunday – noon). $free to listen, $20 will get you a drawing spot, and an extra $4 will get you some drawing paper (bring your own pencils). [FB event]

It happened this week...

  • ...on June 17, 2011 at The Horseshoe Tavern (NXNE 2011)

OFF! - Broken + Blast

  • ...on June 18, 2011 at Comfort Zone (NXNE 2011).

catl - Church on Time

[Do remember that you can click on the tags below to go back and find the original posts (and often, more stuff) from these artists.]

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