Sunday, December 31, 2017

Recording: Brian Abbott

Artist: Brian Abbott

Song: Bahadur's Carousel [excerpt]

Recorded at Belljar Café (Track Could Bend #33), December 5, 2017.

Brian Abbott - Bahadur's Carousel [excerpt]

Given that Brian Abbott's work as half of FASTER has been drifting from carnival-esque dioramas to more rigourous works, it's no surprise his other efforts as a composer have been following a similar trajectory, still encompassing lots of notes and multi-genre milkshake-mixer explosions but adding more microtonal offshoots and other complications. For this set, he brought a large-sized one-page score that contained a bingo-card like grid of cells, giving him a framework for hairpin-turn tonal changes. There were also some borrowed tanpura/harmonium drone boxes in there as well.

[Track Could Bend is back at The Belljar on Tuesday (January 2nd) in an especially-tantalizing night mixing Bachelard's modular synths, LUKA's poetic examinations and tendencyitis' no-input mixer feedback sounds. What a superb way to start your concert-going year for 2018!]

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