I walked into this Ghostlight show already in progress, wondering if they'd decided to set up an art installation (or circus) instead of a just a jam. With mini bluetooth speakers being moved around the room and a record-needle-dragging model traincar adding disembodied sounds, there was an interestingly-disembodied sonic icing on top of everything. (Adding to the layers was electronicist Adelaide Santos conjuring up something mysterious in a briefcase on the floor.) Sprawling in the right ways, Ghostlight are at their best when feeling a little restless, and I was glad to be surprised by the group once again.
Here's a quick look at that record playing train device:
Sundays in April Residency (feat. Eucalyptus) / Hirut Cafe and Restaurant 2023-04-09 (Sunday). Suggested $15 per person.
Labyrinth Ensemble with Evgenios Voulgaris / Aga Khan Museum 2023-04-15 (Saturday). $40 Regular, $36 Friends, $30 Students and Seniors [tickets include same-day Museum admission]. [FB event]
Sundays in April Residency (feat. Eucalyptus) / Hirut Cafe and Restaurant 2023-04-16 (Sunday). Suggested $15 per person.
Cola (Nutrients) / The Baby G 2023-04-19 (Wednesday). $24.73, 19+. [FB event]
Sundays in April Residency (feat. Eucalyptus) / Hirut Cafe and Restaurant 2023-04-23 (Sunday). Suggested $15 per person.
Sundays in April Residency (feat. Eucalyptus) / Hirut Cafe and Restaurant 2023-04-30 (Sunday). Suggested $15 per person.
Shows this week:
Nick Fraser Presents (feat. Rob Clutton Trio [Karen Ng/Nick Fraser/Rob Clutton] with special guest Jim Lewis) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2023-03-28 (Tuesday)
Séance Centre presents: You Can Can LP Release (feat. You Can Can [Felicity Williams/Andrew Zukerman with Brodie West/Thom Gill/Josh Cole/Phillipe Melanson] / Tenderness & Fahmid Nibesh) / The Tranzac (Main Hall) 2023-03-30 (Thursday). $20.
CCMC [Paul Dutton/John Oswald/Casey Sokol with special guest Rob Clutton] / Array Space 2023-03-30 (Thursday). $free admission, donations welcome.
Ace of Wands [Desiring album release!] (Mad Ones / Zinnia) / Velvet Underground 2023-03-30 (Thursday). $23 advance. [FB event]
You In Mind presents (feat. Jasmyn / Camille Léon / Shn Shn) / The Music Gallery 2023-03-31 (Friday). $17.03, all ages. [FB event]
Queermunity 6 (feat. Regina Gently / Fern Sully / Geordie Gordon / Ms Taken) / The Tranzac (Main Hall) 2023-03-31 (Friday). $15 in advance, $20 at the door, 19+. [more info]
The Ryan Driver Sextet / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2023-03-31 (Friday) [FB event]
Ladyfinger [Diane Roblin/Kayla Milmine] / The Emmet Ray 2023-04-01 (Saturday – 6 to 8 p.m.). $10. [FB event]
Nico Paulo [album release!] (Steve Lambke) / Tibet Street Records 2023-04-01 (Saturday). $23.86. [FB event]
Bitstance [improvised semi-noisy modular computer music – live debut!] (William Brent/David Cecchetto/Colin Clark/Adam Tindale) / Array Space 2023-04-01 (Saturday). $free.
B.A. Johnston (Sons of Butcher / Marty Topps) / The Baby G 2023-04-01 (Saturday). $13.85 (early bird) / $20.05, 19+. [FB event]
Sundays in April Residency (feat. Eucalyptus) / Hirut Cafe and Restaurant 2023-04-02 (Sunday). Suggested $15 per person.
It happened this week...
...on March 27, 2016 at The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge).
Rather a pleasing treat to return to this cozy east end haunt with Brian Abbott and Kayla Milmine reactivating their "Faster presents" banner. This first set saw the latter joined by tabla player Anita Katakkar for some Indo-jazz forays. This piece, with Katakkar singing the rhythm in the lead-up, tells about Lord Shiva embodying all sound.
*Does anyone know the title to this one? Please leave a comment!
Rather a pleasing treat to return to this cozy east end haunt with Brian Abbott and Kayla Milmine reactivating their "Faster presents" banner. Here Abbott (on guitar) lead an ensemble of top-notch players (Meghan Cheng, violin; Sara Constant, flutes; Andrew Furlong, double bass; Paul Newman, tenor saxophone + clarinet) through a couple of his pieces showing his ever-deeper burrowing into the realms of microtonality.
Unlike the works on his A Loose Grip on Reality album, which focuses on hyper-real pieces ("music that would purposely be unplayable by humans even if anyone was crazy enough to try"), the pair of compositions essayed here had a woozier pace, with sounds from one instrument sliding into another in a sort of slow-motion hocketing, sounding almost like paulstretched audio at times — or perhaps like a version of a tape-loop piece like Music For Airports where little loops are being played on tape decks with dying batteries, putting things out of skew in subtle ways.
[That same album will be celebrated this Saturday (March 25th) at Array Space with animation by Meghan Cheng and performaces from Tone Cathedral and Mun Mun C.F.]
As I signed up for the Freesound mailing list (see below!) it occurred to me to mention that if you have an email list that covers the sort of stuff I'm covering here, pass along the signup link to me so I can include it in a future update! It's tough finding out about stuff, so let's try and keep each other informed.
Inbox enhancers:
Freesound's goal is to connect themselves and their audience with great contemporary music. We do this through the presentation of concerts and events that are innovative, vibrant, diverse, and as rewarding as the music they play. The members of Freesound are some of the Toronto’s top young soloists in new music, and with Freesound they work as performers, curators, commissioners, and collaborators, creating and producing a diverse array of projects.
Based in Toronto, Freesound is particularly active in engaged in bringing emerging Canadian and international voices to the Toronto and Canadian new-music scenes. Operating since 2018, Freesound has presented a range of works, including music by Anna Thorvaldsdottir, Pauline Oliveros, Laurence Crane, Jason Doell, and Anna Höstman. With an exciting upcoming season featuring a number of world premieres and fascinating combinations of performers, Freesound is a collective for a new generation of composers and performers.
Queermunity 6 (feat. Regina Gently / Fern Sully / Geordie Gordon / Ms Taken) / The Tranzac (Main Hall) 2023-03-31 (Friday). $15 in advance, $20 at the door, 19+. [more info]
Ladyfinger [Diane Roblin/Kayla Milmine] / The Emmet Ray 2023-04-01 (Saturday – 6 to 8 p.m.). $10. [FB event]
Audiopollination (feat. Martin van de Ven/Grace Scheele/Mira Martin-Gray / James Bailey/Susanne Farkas/Nilan Perera / Daniel Field/Jack Brock/Shanika Maria / mkl32 & fuZzy) / Array Space 2023-04-07 (Friday). $10 (or PWYC). [FB event]
Bodywash (Tallies / Sahara) / The Baby G 2023-04-12 (Wednesday). $20.05, 19+. [FB event]
Emergents (feat. Matthew Cardinal / Yolande Laroche) / The Music Gallery 2023-04-22 (Saturday). $15 Door, $10 Low Income/Members/Arts Workers/Students. [more info]
Doug Paisley / [corporate brand name] Music Hall at Massey Hall 2023-05-13 (Saturday). $32.15. [FB event]
University of Toronto Percussion Ensemble [Director: Aiyun Huang, featuring works by Yike Zhang, Emmanuel Séjourné, Ivan Trevino, Thierry de Mey, Fish Yu, Andrew James Clark] / Walter Hall 2023-03-20 (Monday). $free. [FB event]
Karen Ng's Wenona Series (feat. Rob Clutton Trio with Patrick O'Reilly) / Wenona Lodge 2023-03-21 (Tuesday) [FB event]
Little Jim [Chris Pruden/Matt Fong/Alexei Orechin/Anh Phung/Evan Cartwright with special guests: Tara Kannangara (March 24th), Caleb Klager (March 25th)] / The Rex Hotel 2023-03-22–25 (Wednesday–Saturday)
Parallax - Act 1 ["different mediums, industries and forms of expressions come together in a series of collective performances"] (feat. Melad Jajou/Jess Burgess/The Band / Gore Gloss/Lou Rose) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2023-03-22 (Wednesday). $pwyc/$20 suggested. [FB event]
The University of Toronto Hybrid Ensemble [part jazz, part classical, presenting a live original soundtrack to the silent film Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde] (Patrick O'Reilly's DOG Ensemble) / The Tranzac (Main Hall) 2023-03-23 (Thursday). $free. [FB event]
Today Versions presents (feat. Del Stephen's Concrete Creative Recollections Research (Revisited)) / The Tranzac (Living Room) 2023-03-23 (Thursday). $10/PWYC. [FB event]
Cindy Lee (Dorothea Paas) / The Garrison 2023-03-23 (Thursday). $23.17, 19+. [FB event]
Karen Ng presents (feat. Eve Egoyan/Lori Freedman/Karen Ng) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2023-03-23 (Thursday) [FB event]
Shahriyar Jamshidi [My Sunset-Land Rojava album release event!] [solo kamanche performance + panel discussion] / Canadian Music Centre 2023-03-24 (Friday). $17.31 [more info]
Dun-Dun Band [EP release!] (Carl Didur / Prince Nifty) / Monarch Tavern 2023-03-24 (Friday). $14.50, 19+. [FB event]
Witches' Butter Ensemble [David Parker/Graham Beverly/Michael C. Duguay/Arden Rogalsky] (Wenderly Park feat. members of Stargoon) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2023-03-25 (Saturday). $pwyc, suggested $15. [FB event]
Cowbird Collective Presents: A Loose Grip on Reality Record Release Show (feat. Tone Cathedral [Sara Constant/Paul Newman/Andrew Furlong/Meghan Cheng/Brian Abbott] / Mun Mun C.F) / Array Space 2023-03-25 (Saturday) [FB event]
It happened this week...
...on March 23, 2018 at The Tranzac's Main Hall (Long Winter 6.5).
University of Toronto Percussion Ensemble [Director: Aiyun Huang, featuring works by Yike Zhang, Emmanuel Séjourné, Ivan Trevino, Thierry de Mey, Fish Yu, Andrew James Clark] / Walter Hall 2023-03-20 (Monday). $free. [FB event]
Parallax - Act 1 ["different mediums, industries and forms of expressions come together in a series of collective performances"] (feat. Melad Jajou/Jess Burgess/The Band / Gore Gloss/Lou Rose) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2023-03-22 (Wednesday). $pwyc/$20 suggested. [FB event]
Karen Ng presents (feat. Karen Ng, Lori Freedman and guests) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2023-03-23 (Thursday)
Cowbird Collective Presents: A Loose Grip on Reality Record Release Show (feat. Tone Cathedral [Sara Constant/Paul Newman/Andrew Furlong/Meghan Cheng/Brian Abbott] / Mun Mun C.F) / Array Space 2023-03-25 (Saturday) [FB event]
Ace of Wands [Desiring album release!] (Mad Ones / Zinnia) / Velvet Underground 2023-03-30 (Thursday). $23 advance. [FB event]
You In Mind presents (feat. Jasmyn / Camille Léon / Shn Shn) / The Music Gallery 2023-03-31 (Friday). $17.03, all ages. [FB event]
Dun-Dun Land (feat. Dun-Dun Man / Thom Gill) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2023-03-14 (Tuesday – early!)
Sarah Greene Presents (feat. Sarah Greene/Paul Kolinski/Dave Clark/Tania Gill / Dave Clark's Western Slang) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2023-03-15 (Wednesday – early!) [FB event]
University of Toronto Vocal Jazz Ensemble [Christine Duncan, director] / Walter Hall 2023-03-15 (Wednesday). $free. [FB event]
Idée Fixe & Ansible presents (feat. Evan Cartwright / Brodie West Quintet) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2023-03-16 (Thursday)
Ronley Teper & the Lipliners / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2023-03-17 (Friday – early!)
Beyond the Valley of the Guitars (feat. Brian Ruryk / Nilan Perera) / Sellers & Newel 2023-03-17 (Friday). Minimum donation $20. [more info]
Karla (Mesh System [Caleb Klager/Stefan Hegerat] / Magfoto) / Tibet Street Records 2023-03-17 (Friday). $20. [FB event]
Selkie Sessions (Urban Shores Edition) (feat. Andrew Patten / Ivy Mairi / Sean Donald / Isla Craig) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2023-03-18 (Saturday – early!). $PWYC. [FB event]
Burn Down The Capital presents (feat. Still House Plants / Oil Giant / Brian Ruryk) / Bar Orwell 2023-03-19 (Sunday). $12 Adv / $15 Door, NOTAFLOF. [FB event]
It happened this week...
...on March 16, 2019 at The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge).
A rollicking night at Karen Ng's Tranzac residency, featuring a couple musicians newly-connected in different ways to the local scene. I'd caught guitarist/bassist Jasper Stadhouders already that week (and more to come!), so the real discovery here was pianist/vocalist Ananya Ganesh, recently relocated from NYC to T.O. for the next few months. (And also a delight to hear Kieran Adams behind the kit, craftily sneaking in some electronic percussion flourishes to bump things along.)
It's a treat having Amsterdam's Jasper Stadhouders around about town, and on this night at Karen Ng's monthly show at Wenona (every third Tuesday of the month!) he brought out guitar and bass to work alongside sax and clarinets from both Ng and Brodie West. Mark Ballyk, meanwhile, held things together behind the kit — at one point taking the notion of drum sticks so literally he hauled out a couple tree branches.
You can hear/see the whole second set over on youtube:
Late Addendum! you can now hear/purchase this whole set in a fine multi-track recording made my Mark Ballyk over on Bandcamp!
[Stadhouders will be joined by Lori Freedman and Allison Cameron at Track Could Bend tonight (March 7th), and will be opening the Women From Space Festival tomorrow night (March 8th) in a much-anticipated duo set with Karen Ng.]
Beyond the Valley of the Guitars (feat. Brian Ruryk / Nilan Perera) / Sellers & Newel 2023-03-17 (Friday). Minimum donation $20. [more info]
Selkie Sessions (Urban Shores Edition) (feat. Andrew Patten / Ivy Mairi / Sean Donald / Isla Craig) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2023-03-18 (Saturday – early!). $PWYC. [FB event]
Burn Down The Capital presents (feat. Still House Plants / Oil Giant / Brian Ruryk) / Bar Orwell 2023-03-19 (Sunday). $12 Adv / $15 Door, NOTAFLOF. [FB event]
Women from Space: 5th Anniversary Festival 2023 (feat. Karen Ng & Jasper Stadhouders / Gayle Young & Sarah Albu / Big Bang [feat. Karen Ng/Tara Kannangara/Heather Saumer/Naomi McCarroll-Butler/Liz Lima/Anh Phung/Meghan Cheng/Racha Moukalled/Yunjin Claire Lee/Mira Riselli/Diane Roblin/Allison Cameron/Yang Chen/Angelica Zavala/Laura Swankey/Annie Elgie/Kayla Milmine/Bea Labikova with conduction by Christine Duncan]) / 918 Bathurst 2023-03-08 (Wednesday). $15 General Admission per show / $45 4-night festival pass. [FB event]
Music by Harry and Furlong (feat. Andrew Furlong/Mark Hundevad / The Search for Eternal Happiness [Harry Vetro/Harry Bartlett/Caleb Klager]) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2023-03-08 (Wednesday). $pwyc.
Diane Roblin's Life Force / Drom Taberna 2023-03-09 (Thursday – 7:00 p.m.)
Women from Space: 5th Anniversary Festival 2023 (feat. Heidi Chan/Naoko Tsujita/Mo:delic Arts / Seylon Stills/Bee Pallomina/Kristine White / Angels & Demons [Amirtha Kidambi & Darius Jones]) / 918 Bathurst 2023-03-09 (Thursday). $15 General Admission per show / $45 4-night festival pass. [FB event]
Women from Space: 5th Anniversary Festival 2023 (feat. Lotte Anker/Craig Taborn/Chris Corsano / White Boy Scream / Aiyun Huang) / 918 Bathurst 2023-03-10 (Friday). $15 General Admission per show / $45 4-night festival pass. [FB event]
Audiopollination (feat. Olive Joy/Victor O / Ryan Kinney/Dame Cook / Andrew Finlay Stewart/Paul Geldart/Sinéad Bermingham / Michael Lynn/Mira Riseli) / Array Space 2023-03-10 (Friday) [FB event]
Musica Universalis (feat. Colin Fisher Trio [Colin Fisher/Josh Cole/Jeff Luciani] / Ryan Driver [solo synth]) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2023-03-10 (Friday) [FB event]
Women from Space: 5th Anniversary Festival 2023 (feat. Mount Joy [Bea Labikova] / Judith Berkson / Nicole Mitchell & Coco Elysses) / 918 Bathurst 2023-03-11 (Saturday). $15 General Admission per show / $45 4-night festival pass. [FB event]
Long Winter (feat. Dilettante / Animatist / Faiyaz and the Wasted Chances / Uh Huh / Eliza Niemi / Super Freddy / Night Danger) / The Tranzac 2023-03-11 (Saturday). $22.29, PWYC entry available @ doors, all-ages. [FB event]
New drone mix for a snowy/melty/snowy days! Focus on guitars and hypnotic rhythmic repetition. Featuring a sonic salutation from Tom Verlaine, plus sounds from Mountains, Tarotplane, Bitchin Bajas, miroque, Atoris, Eternell, and anthéne & Simon McCorry.
It happened this week...
...on March 11, 2018 at Array Space (Somewhere There's Second Sunday Series).
This solo set moved in an astral glide from the effected percussion heard here into some guitar explorations.
You can check out some footage from this set over on youtube:
[Ayal Senior & Friends will be back at The Tranzac on Sunday, March 12th, with Ayal Senior playing with Kurt Newman, Andrew Furlong and special guest Jay Anderson, plus sets from Piers Oolavi and Cxicada and comedy from Nick Flanagan.]
For a Sunday afternnon sit-down crowd, Greydini mixed it up a little for this set, forgoing the usual freneticism for a pair of extended explorations in his sonic laboratory. Still trawling in the cultural detritus (especially with the help of some classic grainy VHS projections) these felt like the source material for absurd pop nuggets yet to be simmered down to concentrated form.
You can check out some footage from this set over on youtube:
[Ayal Senior & Friends will be back at The Tranzac on Sunday, March 12th, with Ayal Senior playing with Kurt Newman, Andrew Furlong and special guest Jay Anderson, plus sets from Piers Oolavi and Cxicada and comedy from Nick Flanagan.]
*It's also possible that the title here is "Meet the Metal Brain".
Founded as a blog about one curmudgeon's love affair with the em dash, Mechanical Forest Sound has grown to become a community-based archive of local musical culture. Assuming that "independent music" isn't just boys with guitars and "culture" isn't just some sort of pageant, MFS is an investigation of a wide range of artists, reflecting on concerts as shared experiences, acts of citizenship and a chance to get down — fuzzy photographs and clear-sounding original live recordings a specialty.
Current manifestations of this project include Track Could Bend, a monthly concert series featuring "improvised music and weird rock offshoots", presented in a casual environment.
At one point I wrote full-on concert reviews, and for longer I thought I would catch up and write about shows in the past. But these days, because of, y'know, life, do not expect much in the way of full show reviews — but live recordings with blurbs will be posted as quickly after the fact as is feasible.
You can also check out full sets uploaded to the Live Music Archive. [not currently active]
N.B.: All recordings should be available & playable. If you come across any broken links, invisible or non-functioning players, etc, please leave a comment and I will tend to it ASAP.
ALSO N.B.: I'm perpetually on the lookout for a new place to stash my MP3's online. If you know of any place that allows a couple gigs of stuff to be openly linked to for streaming, drop me a line!
All MP3's on this blog are audience recordings shared as a reminder of the excitement of seeing live music. If you are an artist who doesn't want their music shared in this way, please contact me and I shall remove it forthwith.
Is your show missing from this list? Submit it via this form!
Clue Note: Trivia Night and Creative Music [note: no trivia this time!] (feat. Rob Clutton/Bea Labikova/Mira Martin-Gray/Doug Tielli/Kevin Turcotte/Mark Zurawinski) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2025-03-25 (Tuesday – early) [more info]
Nick Fraser presents (feat. Nick Fraser's Special Topics [Nick Fraser/Kae Murphy/Max Stover/Josh Cole]) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2025-03-25 (Tuesday) [more info]
Nosferatu: silent film with a live score! (feat. The Kupenta Singers/The Hybrid Ensemble/the DOG ensemble) / The Tranzac (Main Hall) 2025-03-26 (Wednesday). $pwyc. [more info]
Ronley Teper & the Lipliners / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2024-03-26 (Wednesday) [more info]
Ministry of Phonic Services presents BPM: the Big Percussion Meeting (feat. _53d8ZxP / Aidan McConnell / Jaz Tsui / Louis Pino / Mateos Labbé-Phelan / Raphael Roter) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2025-03-27 (Thursday). $pwyc. [more info]
The Music Gallery presents (feat. Turntable Trio [Maria Chavez/Evicshen/Mariam Rezaei] / Kristina Guison) / The Tranzac (Main Hall) 2024-03-31 (Monday). $10 (members), $15-$25 PWYC. [more info]
A Tiny Drop of Peace [Brian Abbott/Paul Newman] / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2025-03-31 (Monday). $pwyc. [FB event]
Track Could Bend #103 [Co-presented with Ministry of Phonic Services] (feat. Maebh Clark & Lucas Dvorsky / Aliyah Aziz & %%30%30) / Wenona Lodge 2025-04-01 (Tuesday). $pwyc. [FB event]
Not Dead Yet presents (feat. Eiko Ishibashi / Sweet Lips) / The Garrison 2025-04-01 (Tuesday). $45.11, 19+. [more info/tickets]
Harry Bartlett's Mountain Air [Harry Bartlett/Aline Homzy/Andrew Downing] / Sellers and Newel 2025-04-02 (Wednesday). $20 minimum donation. [more info]
Mike DeiCont Trio [Mike DeiCont/Eric West/Leland Whitty] / The Rex 2025-04-06 (Sunday) [FB event]
Tranzac Fundraiser IV (feat. Dorothea Paas Band / Raf Reza / C'est La Fête) / The Tranzac (Main Hall) 2025-04-10 (Thursday). $28.27, 19+. [more info/tickets]
Audiopollination (feat. Zack Goldstein/Dave Nelson/Janel Jones / Jamie Eriksen/Mike Filippov/Saba Saneinejad / Bill Gilliam/Jonnie Bakan/Zoë Alexis-Abrams / Turtle Pleasure) / Array Space 2025-04-11 (Friday). $10 cash or card, livestream available. [FB event]
B.A. Johnston (Sons of Butcher / Thunderkok) / The Baby G 2025-04-12 (Saturday). $21.53, 19+. [FB event]
Stranger Still [Pete Johnston/Mim Adams/Randi Helmers/Rob Clutton] / 918 Bathurst (Sun Room) 2025-04-13 (Sunday – 3 p.m.). $20 or PWYC
More Noise Please! Presents: The Ecstasy Of Noise (feat. Ritual Purification / Fussing / Eric Baylies / Brian Ruryk & %%30%30 / Auto Feeder) / The No No Room at the Dock Ellis 2025-04-17 (Thursday) [more info]
Avalon Tassonyi (Westelaken / Jo Passed) / The Baby G 2025-04-17 (Thursday). $24.11, 19+. [FB event]
Trés Bien Ensemble (Doc Pickles) / The Mezz 2025-04-18 (Friday) [FB event]
Elisa Thorn & Laura Swankey / Sellers and Newel 2025-04-19 (Saturday). $20 minimum donation. [more info]
Sarah Greene with Paul Kolinski & Michael Herring (Shawn Durkin) / Sellers and Newel 2025-04-23 (Wednesday). $20 minimum donation. [FB event]
Track Could Bend #99 (feat. Lostworldsounds / future proof) / Wenona Lodge 2025-01-07 (Tuesday)
Ayal Senior & Friends (feat. Ayal Senior & Kurt Newman / Michelle Breslin / David Sait / Nick Flanagan) 2025-01-12 (Sunday)
Isla Craig (A L M A) / 918 Bathurst (Sun Room) 2025-02-02 (Sunday)
Track Could Bend #101 (feat. Kayla Milmine/Bob Vespaziani/Michael Lynn / Colin Fisher) / Wenona Lodge 2025-02-04 (Tuesday)
Track Could Bend #100 (feat. Isla Craig/Fahmid Nibesh/Michelangelo / Del Stephen/Danny Sheehan/Phil Hamilton / Ian McPhedran/James Bailey/Tom Richards / Raphael Roter/Sara Constant/Bill Gilliam / Bea Labikova/Mira Martin-Gray/Heather Saumer / Sarah Peebles/Kat Estacio/Danny Alexander / Luka Kuplowsky/Karen Ng/William Davison) / 918 Bathurst 2025-02-16 (Sunday)
Music Hosted by Karen Ng: A fundraiser show for Earlobe (feat. Holger Schrool & Mark Zurawinski / Many People) / Wenona Lodge 2024-02-18 (Tuesday)
Patrick O'Reilly presents: Carded! (feat. Patrick O'Reilly/Samuel Little/amiel ang/Samuel Laramee/Omar Yazaw/Leah Reavster/%%30%30/Annie Elgie) / Walter Hall 2025-02-24 (Monday)
Track Could Bend #102 (feat. M.D.N.R. / Del Stephen's Totoloto)
Women From Space Festival 2025 (feat. Erin Poole & Rosina Kazi/Chantelle Mostacho & shn shn / Yuniya Edi Kwon / Azumi OE/Eukademix) / 918 Bathurst 2025-03-08 (Saturday)
Women From Space Festival 2025 (feat. Mingjia Chen + Linnea Sablosky / Arushi Jain / Myra Melford's Fire and Water Trio) / 918 Bathurst 2025-03-09 (Sunday)
Nolan Hildebrand’s DMA Recital (feat. Colin Fisher/Roan Ma/Patrick O'Reilly/Chris Weins/Veronica Zupanic/Hirad Moradi/Louis Pino/Nikki Huang/Hoi-Tong Keung/Bevis NG/Jasmine Tsui/Thomas Li) / Walter Hall 2025-03-11 (Tuesday)