Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Recording: Carded Ensemble

Artist: Carded Ensemble

Songs: [two excerpts]

Recorded at Walter Hall, February 24, 2025.

Carded Ensemble - [excerpt 1]

Carded Ensemble - [excerpt 2]

"Carded", Patrick O'Reilly's ongoing compositional project, has been a work-in-progress for a few years now, taking blank playing cards and turning them into handmade improvisational cues. The cards can be dispatched in various ways, from dealing performers a hand, to (as was the case here) giving each player a full custom deck with the instruction to turn over and interpret a new card every minute.

That, with the addition of timed solo spots for each of the participants, gave enough structure to keep a nine-piece ensemble from tripping into chaos and too-muchness. It also fosters a genuine sense of play, both in the novel interpretations required and in the act of occasionally passing cards around to share a cue. This particular incarnation of Carded was even more deeply collaborative, as the decks of cards used by the nine performers were each made by nine guest "composers".

The ensemble for this performance was:

  • Patrick O'Reilly: guitar and pedals
  • Samuel Little, double bass
  • amiel ang: vibes, gong, music stand
  • Samuel Laramee: synths and piano
  • Omar Yazaw: saxophone
  • Leah Reavster: saxophone
  • Brendan Beaton: trumpet
  • %%30%30: percussion
  • Annie Elgie: balloons, voice

Monday, March 17, 2025

Monday Roundup #218

Concert announcements:

Clue Note: Trivia Night and Creative Music (feat. Rob Clutton/Bea Labikova/Mira Martin-Gray/Doug Tielli/Kevin Turcotte/Mark Zurawinski) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2025-03-25 (Tuesday – early) [more info]

Ministry of Phonic Services presents BPM: the Big Percussion Meeting (feat. _53d8ZxP / Aidan McConnell / Jaz Tsui / Louis Pino / Mateos Labbé-Phelan / Raphael Roter) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2025-03-27 (Thursday). $pwyc. [more info]

Exit Points #58 (feat. Behnoosh Behnamnia/Doris Du/Kimia Farokhzad/Zack Goldstein/Brank Oh! / Kristine White/Joel Ong/Piers Oolvai/Aisha Sasha John/Michael Palumbo / Switchemups) / Array Space 2025-03-28 (Friday). $15 early bird / $20 adv / $25 door. [FB event]

Leucrocuta (SUV / britney cage) / Collective Arts 2025-04-04 (Friday). $15 at the door / no one turned away. [FB event]

Mike DeiCont Trio [Mike DeiCont/Eric West/Leland Whitty] / The Rex 2025-04-06 (Sunday) [FB event]

Tranzac Fundraiser IV (feat. Dorothea Paas Band / Raf Reza / C'est La Fête) / The Tranzac (Main Hall) 2025-04-10 (Thursday). $28.27, 19+. [more info/tickets]

FACS (Noble Rot / Natural Light) / The Dance Cave 2025-04-12 (Saturday). $28.19, 19+. [FB event]

Trés Bien Ensemble (Doc Pickles) / The Mezz 2025-04-18 (Friday) [FB event]

Labyrinth Ensemble with Âriâ Mohâfez / Aga Khan Museum 2025-05-03 (Saturday). $40 Regular, $36 Friends of Aga Khan Museum, $30 Students and Seniors. [more info]

Cola (Jane Inc.) / The Garrison 2024-07-18 (Friday). $31.51, 19+. [FB event]

Is your show missing from this list? Submit it via this form!

Shows this week:

Harley Card Trio [Harley Card/Dan Fortin/Ethan Ardelli] / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2025-03-17 (Monday) [more info]

Freesound Presents: Music for Solo Instruments #1 (feat. Michael Murphy / Amahl Arulanandam / Matti Pulkki) / Array Space 2025-03-20 (Thursday). $22.63. [FB event]

CMC Presents (feat. DOG Ensemble [wrangled by Patrick O’Reilly]) / Canadian Music Centre – Chalmers Performance Space 2025-03-20 (Thursday). $15 Advance / $20 at the door ($12 Advance / $15 at the door for CMC Members and Arts Workers; $10 students). [more info]

Battle Milk (But Worse / New Time More Words) / The Tranzac (Living Room) 2025-03-20 (Thursday). $pwyc (suggested $5). [more info]

Spheres of Southworth: Equinox Egg-Spiritus (feat. John Southworth & Friends) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2025-03-21 (Friday – early) [more info]

Acid Baby Jesus (The John Denver Airport Conspiracy) / The Sound Garage 2025-03-21 (Friday). $28.98, 19+. [FB event]

Long Winter 13.4 (feat. SLASH NEED / Secret Sign / Arc&Texture / Edmund Stay) / St. Anne's Parish Hall 2025-03-21 (Friday). $pwyc, all-ages. [more info]

Freesound presents (feat. Transsonic / Jason Doell) / Array Space 2025-03-22 (Saturday). $22.63.postponed until fall [FB event]

Not Dead Yet Presents (feat. Kali Malone) / Trinity St. Paul's 2025-03-22 (Saturday). $43.35/$48.39, all ages. [more info]

Basic [Chris Forsyth/Douglas McCombs/Mikel Patrick Avery] / The Sound Garage 2025-03-22 (Saturday). $28.98, 19+. [FB event]

Long Winter 13.5 (feat. Roach / SO TIRED / Dynesti / Leevisa) / St. Anne's Parish Hall 2025-03-22 (Saturday). $pwyc, all-ages. [more info]

Cosmic Homeostasis XXVII / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2025-03-23 (Sunday – noon). $pwyc, family-friendly. [FB event]

Freesound Presents: Music for Solo Instruments #2 (feat. Michael Murphy / Amahl Arulanandam / Matti Pulkki) / Array Space 2025-03-23 (Sunday). $22.63. [FB event]

It happened this week...

  • ...on March 17, 2012 at Placebo Space.

Maica Mia - Jonny-o

  • ...on March 23, 2012 at Saving Gigi (Lazy Afternoon showcase).

Marine Dreams - Yet To See The Sun

[Do remember that you can click on the tags below to go back and find the original posts (and often, more stuff) from these artists.]

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Recording: Many People

Artist: Many People

Song: [excerpt]

Recorded at Wenona Lodge (Music Hosted by Karen Ng: A fundraiser show for Earlobe), February 18, 2025.

Many People - [excerpt]

This musical concept from Karen Ng continues to evolve from its origins as a massive horn section — though that's still at the heart of it, percussion and other noises are now increasingly incorporated, making the performances more akin to swelling jams than lingering zones. This particular instance of the group was convened to celebrate the launch of Earlobe, the new website/mailing list "listing experimental music and sound art events happening in Toronto", three of whose organizers were performing. The full ensemble was:

  • Karen Ng - alto sax
  • Maxwell Stover - tenor sax
  • Marilyn Yogarajah - trumpet
  • Heather Saumer - trombone
  • Fahmid Nibesh - guitar
  • Heraclitus Akimbo - electronics
  • Kieran Maraj - bass
  • %%30%30 - percussion
  • Germaine Liu - percussion
  • Mark Zurawinsky - percussion

You can check out some more from this set over on youtube:

Recording: Holger Schrool & Mark Zurawinski

Artist: Holger Schoorl & Mark Zurawinski

Song: unknown*

Recorded at Wenona Lodge (Music Hosted by Karen Ng: A fundraiser show for Earlobe), February 18, 2025.

Holger Schoorl & Mark Zurawinski - unknown

This pairing opened up this night at Karen Ng's Wenona residency with surprising intensity — Holger Schoorl may not play as insistently quietly as he once did, but I don't think I've previously ever seen him rock the heck out.

* Does anyone know the title to this one? Please leave a comment!

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Recording: Kuplowsky/Ng/Davison

Artist: Luka Kuplowsky/Karen Ng/William Davison

Song: [excerpt]

Recorded at 918 Bathurst (Track Could Bend #100), February 16, 2025.

Luka Kuplowsky/Karen Ng/William Davison - [excerpt]

Track Could Bend will be having its tenth anniversary in April — although given how time got weird for a while there and the series took fourteen months off, it seems like a slightly ambiguous mark for celebration. This big round number, however, felt like the right opportunity to mark a special occasion. In the beforetimes, TCB marked its anniversaries with special events, gathering the folks who had played over the previous year and drawing names from a hat to construct some spontaneous new combos. I had the notion to scale that up and duly invited back everyone who had ever played the series — over three hundred performers! — for an afternoon and evening of fun.

As fate would have it, the long-planned-for day came with a monumental snowstorm, so the inability to get around kept some folks at home. And yet, this event still saw twenty-one performers take the stage, duly selected from the hat and sorted into seven trios. As is often the case, these instant bands made some gorgeous sounds, showing off the ability of TCB's community to adapt, co-operate and thrive. A fun time had was had by many — a fitting launch to the next ten years.

The day closed out with this strikingly cinematic encounter, with William Davison's (MFS#2, 26, 47, 63) objects and electronics adding an abrasive backdrop to Luka Kuplowsky's (MFS#34) piano and voice and Karen Ng's (MFS# 7, 19, 38, 51, 55, 68, 93) saxophone.

You can check out the full set over on youtube:

[Track Could Bend will be back at Wenona Lodge, its usual home, on April 1st in a special co-presentation with Ministry of Phonic Services presenting sets from Mira Martin-Gray & Sierra Weston and Wilderness Adventure Ride.]

Recording: Peebles/Estacio/Alexander

Artist: Sarah Peebles/Kat Estacio/Danny Alexander

Song: [excerpt]

Recorded at 918 Bathurst (Track Could Bend #100), February 16, 2025.

Sarah Peebles/Kat Estacio/Danny Alexander - [excerpt]

Track Could Bend will be having its tenth anniversary in April — although given how time got weird for a while there and the series took fourteen months off, it seems like a slightly ambiguous mark for celebration. This big round number, however, felt like the right opportunity to mark a special occasion. In the beforetimes, TCB marked its anniversaries with special events, gathering the folks who had played over the previous year and drawing names from a hat to construct some spontaneous new combos. I had the notion to scale that up and duly invited back everyone who had ever played the series — over three hundred performers! — for an afternoon and evening of fun.

As fate would have it, the long-planned-for day came with a monumental snowstorm, so the inability to get around kept some folks at home. And yet, this event still saw twenty-one performers take the stage, duly selected from the hat and sorted into seven trios. As is often the case, these instant bands made some gorgeous sounds, showing off the ability of TCB's community to adapt, co-operate and thrive. A fun time had was had by many — a fitting launch to the next ten years.

Scratchy and percussive and teasing out feedback just under the surface, this trio was nicely sympatico. Sitting on a row on the stage floor, Danny Alexander's (MFS#89) guitar moved alongside Kat Estacio's (MFS#32, 86) gongs and Sarah Peebles' (MFS debut) cracklebox and hand percussion.

You can check out the full set over on youtube:

[Track Could Bend will be back at Wenona Lodge, its usual home, on April 1st in a special co-presentation with Ministry of Phonic Services presenting sets from Mira Martin-Gray & Sierra Weston and Wilderness Adventure Ride.]

Recording: Labikova/Martin-Gray/Saumer

Artist: Bea Labikova/Mira Martin-Gray/Heather Saumer

Song: [excerpt]

Recorded at 918 Bathurst (Track Could Bend #100), February 16, 2025.

Bea Labikova/Mira Martin-Gray/Heather Saumer - [excerpt]

Track Could Bend will be having its tenth anniversary in April — although given how time got weird for a while there and the series took fourteen months off, it seems like a slightly ambiguous mark for celebration. This big round number, however, felt like the right opportunity to mark a special occasion. In the beforetimes, TCB marked its anniversaries with special events, gathering the folks who had played over the previous year and drawing names from a hat to construct some spontaneous new combos. I had the notion to scale that up and duly invited back everyone who had ever played the series — over three hundred performers! — for an afternoon and evening of fun.

As fate would have it, the long-planned-for day came with a monumental snowstorm, so the inability to get around kept some folks at home. And yet, this event still saw twenty-one performers take the stage, duly selected from the hat and sorted into seven trios. As is often the case, these instant bands made some gorgeous sounds, showing off the ability of TCB's community to adapt, co-operate and thrive. A fun time had was had by many — a fitting launch to the next ten years.

Capable of melodious harmonizing, this all-star trio instead veered into slyly-warbly twitters with Mira Martin-Gray's (MFS#34, 58, 79, 95) noisemakers calling out to Bea Labikova's (MFS#33, 56, 69, 99) saxophonic squawks and the piano/percussion of Heather Saumer's (MFS#21, 30) homing beacons.

You can check out the full set over on youtube:

[Track Could Bend will be back at Wenona Lodge, its usual home, on April 1st in a special co-presentation with Ministry of Phonic Services presenting sets from Mira Martin-Gray & Sierra Weston and Wilderness Adventure Ride.]

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Recording: Roter/Constant/Gilliam

Artist: Raphael Roter/Sara Constant/Bill Gilliam

Song: [excerpt]

Recorded at 918 Bathurst (Track Could Bend #100), February 16, 2025.

Raphael Roter/Sara Constant/Bill Gilliam - [excerpt]

Track Could Bend will be having its tenth anniversary in April — although given how time got weird for a while there and the series took fourteen months off, it seems like a slightly ambiguous mark for celebration. This big round number, however, felt like the right opportunity to mark a special occasion. In the beforetimes, TCB marked its anniversaries with special events, gathering the folks who had played over the previous year and drawing names from a hat to construct some spontaneous new combos. I had the notion to scale that up and duly invited back everyone who had ever played the series — over three hundred performers! — for an afternoon and evening of fun.

As fate would have it, the long-planned-for day came with a monumental snowstorm, so the inability to get around kept some folks at home. And yet, this event still saw twenty-one performers take the stage, duly selected from the hat and sorted into seven trios. As is often the case, these instant bands made some gorgeous sounds, showing off the ability of TCB's community to adapt, co-operate and thrive. A fun time was had by many — a fitting launch to the next ten years.

Wonderful stuff here, with the formalisms of Sara Constant's (MFS#71, 87, 95) flute and Bill Gilliam's (MFS#55) prepared piano riding along with Raphael Roter's (MFS#99) intuitive synth pads.

You can check out the full set over on youtube:

[Track Could Bend will be back at Wenona Lodge, its usual home, on April 1st in a special co-presentation with Ministry of Phonic Services presenting sets from Mira Martin-Gray & Sierra Weston and Wilderness Adventure Ride.]

Recording: McPhedran/Bailey/Richards

Artist: Ian McPhedran/James Bailey/Tom Richards

Song: [excerpt]

Recorded at 918 Bathurst (Track Could Bend #100), February 16, 2025.

Ian McPhedran/James Bailey/Tom Richards - [excerpt]

Track Could Bend will be having its tenth anniversary in April — although given how time got weird for a while there and the series took fourteen months off, it seems like a slightly ambiguous mark for celebration. This big round number, however, felt like the right opportunity to mark a special occasion. In the beforetimes, TCB marked its anniversaries with special events, gathering the folks who had played over the previous year and drawing names from a hat to construct some spontaneous new combos. I had the notion to scale that up and duly invited back everyone who had ever played the series — over three hundred performers! — for an afternoon and evening of fun.

As fate would have it, the long-planned-for day came with a monumental snowstorm, so the inability to get around kept some folks at home. And yet, this event still saw twenty-one performers take the stage, duly selected from the hat and sorted into seven trios. As is often the case, these instant bands made some gorgeous sounds, showing off the ability of TCB's community to adapt, co-operate and thrive. A fun time was had by many — a fitting launch to the next ten years.

Cool dynamics here, with Ian McPhedran's (MFS#3, 20) prepared guitar grounding horn sounds from the peripatetic James Bailey (MFS#12, 78, Bata Shoe Museum) and the piano-stabbing Tom Richards (MFS#29, Bata Shoe Museum, 92).

You can check out the full set over on youtube:

[Track Could Bend will be back at Wenona Lodge, its usual home, on April 1st in a special co-presentation with Ministry of Phonic Services presenting sets from Mira Martin-Gray & Sierra Weston and Wilderness Adventure Ride.]

Recording: Stephen/Sheahan/Hamilton

Artist: Del Stephen/Danny Sheahan/Phil Hamilton

Song: [excerpt]

Recorded at 918 Bathurst (Track Could Bend #100), February 16, 2025.

Del Stephen/Danny Sheahan/Phil Hamilton - [excerpt]

Track Could Bend will be having its tenth anniversary in April — although given how time got weird for a while there and the series took fourteen months off, it seems like a slightly ambiguous mark for celebration. This big round number, however, felt like the right opportunity to mark a special occasion. In the beforetimes, TCB marked its anniversaries with special events, gathering the folks who had played over the previous year and drawing names from a hat to construct some spontaneous new combos. I had the notion to scale that up and duly invited back everyone who had ever played the series — over three hundred performers! — for an afternoon and evening of fun.

As fate would have it, the long-planned-for day came with a monumental snowstorm, so the inability to get around kept some folks at home. And yet, this event still saw twenty-one performers take the stage, duly selected from the hat and sorted into seven trios. As is often the case, these instant bands made some gorgeous sounds, showing off the ability of TCB's community to adapt, co-operate and thrive. A fun time was had by many — a fitting launch to the next ten years.

Things turned noisy with this grouping, Phil Hamilton (MFS#20, 32, 78, 87, 98) providing the abrasive textures, and nudging the recently-repatriated Del Stephen (MFS#21, 53, 62, 79, 81, 102) to follow suit, cranking up the tapes and keyboard sproings while Danny Sheahan (MFS#40, 95) added percussive responses from the piano and other implements.

You can check out the full set over on youtube:

[Track Could Bend will be back at Wenona Lodge, its usual home, on April 1st in a special co-presentation with Ministry of Phonic Services presenting sets from Mira Martin-Gray & Sierra Weston and Wilderness Adventure Ride.]

Recording: Craig/Nibesh/Iaffaldano

Artist: Isla Craig/Fahmid Nibesh/Michelangelo Iaffaldano

Song: [excerpt]

Recorded at 918 Bathurst (Track Could Bend #100), February 16, 2025.

Isla Craig/Fahmid Nibesh/Michelangelo Iaffaldano - [excerpt]

Track Could Bend will be having its tenth anniversary in April — although given how time got weird for a while there and the series took fourteen months off, it seems like a slightly ambiguous mark for celebration. This big round number, however, felt like the right opportunity to mark a special occasion. In the beforetimes, TCB marked its anniversaries with special events, gathering the folks who had played over the previous year and drawing names from a hat to construct some spontaneous new combos. I had the notion to scale that up and duly invited back everyone who had ever played the series — over three hundred performers! — for an afternoon and evening of fun.

As fate would have it, the long-planned-for day came with a monumental snowstorm, so the inability to get around kept some folks at home. And yet, this event still saw twenty-one performers take the stage, duly selected from the hat and sorted into seven trios. As is often the case, these instant bands made some gorgeous sounds, showing off the ability of TCB's community to adapt, co-operate and thrive. A fun time was had by many — a fitting launch to the next ten years.

The day lead off with this vocals-forward trio, Isla Craig (MFS#4, 18) singing and Michelangelo Iaffaldano (MFS#45, 84) grumbling over some percussive textures from Fahmid Nibesh (MFS#67, 78, 79).

You can check out the full set over on youtube:

[Track Could Bend will be back at Wenona Lodge, its usual home, on April 1st in a special co-presentation with Ministry of Phonic Services presenting sets from Mira Martin-Gray & Sierra Weston and Wilderness Adventure Ride.]

Monday, March 10, 2025

Monday Roundup #217

Concert announcements:

CMC Presents (feat. DOG Ensemble [wrangled by Patrick O’Reilly]) / Canadian Music Centre – Chalmers Performance Space 2025-03-20 (Thursday). $15 Advance / $20 at the door ($12 Advance / $15 at the door for CMC Members and Arts Workers; $10 students). [more info]

Battle Milk (But Worse / New Time More Words) / The Tranzac (Living Room) 2025-03-20 (Thursday). $pwyc (suggested $5). [more info]

The Music Gallery presents (feat. Turntable Trio [Maria Chavez/Evicshen/Mariam Rezaei] / Kristina Guison) / The Tranzac (Main Hall) 2024-03-31 (Monday). $10 (members), $15-$25 PWYC. [more info]

Track Could Bend #103 [Co-presented with Ministry of Phonic Services] (feat. Mira Martin-Gray & Sierra Weston / Wilderness Adventure Ride) / Wenona Lodge 2025-04-01 (Tuesday). $pwyc. [FB event]

Eliza Niemi [Progress Bakery album release] (Advance Base) / The Garrison 2025-04-27 (Sunday). $25.38, 19+. [FB event]

Doug Paisley / Monarch Tavern 2025-05-22 (Thursday). $34.37, 19+. [FB event]

Is your show missing from this list? Submit it via this form!

Shows this week:

Toronto Electronic Music Open Mic (feat. Ross Edmonds / Timothy 1105 / Delta / Phab Two / Little Vanity / Alissa Vox Raw / Stefan Powell and Ben Green / Time God Uly / Phurniture / Gas Leak Girlfriend / Gruve Collective / Cetacea / Chin Beats) / Handlebar 2025-03-10 (Monday)

Ministry of Phonic Services presents (feat. Ben Mike & The Beatles / Sweet Lips) / Annette Studios 2025-03-10 (Monday). $15. [tickets/more info]

Raf Wilcot (Isaiah Farahbakhsh / Erica Whyte) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2025-03-10 (Monday) [more info]

Nolan Hildebrand’s DMA Recital (feat. Colin Fisher/Roan Ma/Patrick O'Reilly/Chris Weins/Veronica Zupanic/Hirad Moradi/Louis Pino/Nikki Huang/Hoi-Tong Keung/Bevis NG/Jasmine Tsui/Thomas Li) / Walter Hall 2025-03-11 (Tuesday – 12:20 p.m.). $free. [FB event]

Brodie West Double Basses Quintet [Brodie West/Patrick O'Reilly/Rob Clutton/Josh Cole/Nick Fraser] / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2025-03-12 (Wednesday – early)

Slipstreams (feat. Grace Scheele & Arie Verheul van de Ven) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2025-03-12 (Wednesday)

Behaviours: Data (feat. Anando Gabo / Marelena Pellegrino / Technology of Creative Consciousness) / Array Space 2025-03-13 (Thursday). $20.00 (or Pay What You Wish) / Livestream: $10.00 (or Pay What You Wish). [more info]

Memory Pearl [Cosmic-Astral album launch] [Moshe Fisher-Rozenberg/Matt King/Joseph Shabason/Bram Geilen/Alec O’Hanley] (Kat Duma / Trish Macaulay [guided visualization/meditation]) / Standard Time 2025-03-13 (Thursday) [more info]

RESONANCES : Sound & Images (feat. Sarah Peebles & Mira Martin-Grey) / PIX FILM Gallery 2025-03-13 (Thursday). Free event or Pay What You Can ($5). [more info]

Audiopollination (feat. Kayla Milmine/Jonathan Kay/Anita Katakkar / Adriana Monti/Yasmine/Piers Oolvai / Ryan Kinney/Harry Vetro/Magick / Mickle32/Del Stephen) / Array Space 2025-03-14 (Friday). livestream available. [FB event]

A-Minor Presents (feat. not a band / Psychic Weapons /Gold Watch) / Supermarket 2025-03-14 (Friday). $16.48, 19+. [FB event]

More Noise Please! & Coward Patrol Present: Mind Boiling Experiments In Noise & Performance (feat. Human Fluid Rot / Harpy / Shadow Pattern / Colby Richardson /Eerified Catacomb) / See-Scape 2024-03-15 (Saturday). $20. [FB event]

Freesound presents: IDENTITY [works for solo vibraphone by Adrian Knight, José Manuel López López, Steve Reich, Massimo Lauricella, Von Hansen] (feat. Matthew Lau) / Array Space 2025-03-16 (Sunday – 2 p.m.). $22.63. [FB event]

It happened this week...

  • ...on March 12, 2011 at the Drake Underground (CMW 2011).

Fred Penner - Sandwiches

  • ...on March 13, 2011 at 918 Bathurst Arts Centre (Wavelength 516).

Eons - Arctic Radio

[Do remember that you can click on the tags below to go back and find the original posts (and often, more stuff) from these artists.]

Monday, March 3, 2025

Monday Roundup #216

Concert announcements:

TONE presents: (feat. Satoko Fujii Tokyo Trio / The Titillators) / The Tranzac (Main Hall) 2025-04-04 (Friday). $22.89 advance / $25 door. [FB event]

B.A. Johnston (Sons of Butcher / Thunderkok) / The Baby G 2025-04-12 (Saturday). $21.53, 19+. [FB event]

Marsella Duncan [vinyl release show!] (Zinnia) / Burdock Music Hall 2025-05-02 (Friday). $16.95. [FB event]

Is your show missing from this list? Submit it via this form!

Shows this week:

Stranger Still [Pete Johnston/Mim Adams/Randi Helmers/Rob Clutton] / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2025-03-04 (Tuesday – early). $pwyc

Track Could Bend #102 (feat. M.D.N.R. [Max Donaldson/Nate Robertson] / Del Stephen's Totoloto) / Wenona Lodge 2025-03-04 (Tuesday). $pwyc. [FB event]

Grocer (Luge / Least Weasel) / The Garrison 2025-03-05 (Wednesday). $21.53, 19+. [FB event]

Solstice Residency: Spring Equinox (feat. Ghostlight) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2025-03-05 (Wednesday). $pwyc (suggested $10). [FB event]

Freesound presents [works by Georgina Bowden, Dylan Lardelli, Pauline Oliveros, Juliet Palmer, Gordon Williamson] (feat. Ensemble Musikfabrik) / Array Space 2024-03-06 (Thursday). $22.63. [FB event]

Harley Card/Phil Albert/Eric West / The Emmet Ray 2025-03-06 (Thursday). $12. [more info]

Enchanters (Pit Scum) / Houndstooth 2025-03-06 (Thursday). $pwyc. [FB event]

Tania Gill presents: The Blues (feat. Victor Bateman/Ken Kawashima (aka Sugar Brown)/Jean Martin/Blake Howard) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2025-03-07 (Friday – early) [more info]

Women From Space Festival 2025 (feat. Allison Cameron's Small Scale Experimental Machine / Plastic Babies [album release!] / BIG BANG! plays Nina Simone [Tara Kannangara/Elisabeth Dorion/tUkU/Shn Shn/Rebecca Henessey/Atcheleh Aryee/Heather Saumer/Carolina Lopez/Naomi McCarrol-Butler/Nirvana Sagar/Bea Labikova/Diane Roblin/Pursuit Grooves/Mira Riselli/Racha Moukalled/Yang Chen/Angelica Zavala/Kayla Milmine) / 918 Bathurst 2025-03-07 (Friday). $15 advance / $20 at the door / limited extra special early bird festival pass $30 / regular bird festival pass $38. [FB event]

Sub-Sessions #9 (feat. Citizenry / Precious Jewel / Garden of Magic) / BSMT 254 2025-03-07 (Friday). $14.64 (early bird), $17.31 (general admission), all ages. [FB event]

The Harry Vetro Trio [Harry Vetro/Harrison Argatoff/Bennett Young] / The Emmet Ray 2025-03-07 (Friday). $12. [more info]

Women From Space Festival 2025 (feat. Erin Poole/Rosina Kazi/Chantelle Mostacho/shn shn / Yuniya Edi Kwon / Azumi OE/Eukademix​​) / 918 Bathurst 2025-03-08 (Saturday). $15 advance / $20 at the door / limited extra special early bird festival pass $30 / regular bird festival pass $38. [FB event]

Labyrinth Ontario presents: Fragmented Forms ["Fragmented Forms explores the possibilities of improvisation by utilizing both the microtonal aspect of Makam music and free improvisation, and how the two coalesce."] (feat. Araz Salek/Aysel Taghi-Zada/Cory Harper-Latkovich/Sara Constant/Yang Chen) / Annette Studios 2025-03-08 (Saturday). $27.96. [FB event]

Ichi-Bons (Kewpie Dolls) / Monarch Tavern 2025-03-08 (Saturday). $22.50, 19+. [FB event]

Ayal Senior & Friends (feat. Ayal Senior & Kurt Newman / Marilyn Yogarajah / Del Stephen / Nick Flanagan) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2024-03-09 (Sunday – 2:30 p.m.). $pwyc. [FB event]

Women From Space Festival 2025 (feat. Mingjia Chen + Linnea Sablosky [performing Meara O'Reilly's Hockets For Two Voices] / Arushi Jain / Myra Melford's Fire and Water Trio [Myra Melford/Ingrid Laubrock/Lesley Mok]) / 918 Bathurst 2025-03-09 (Sunday). $15 advance / $20 at the door / limited extra special early bird festival pass $30 / regular bird festival pass $38. [FB event]

Bandcamp corner:

  • This Friday (March 7th) sees the rturn of Bandcamp Friday — support some artists you adore! Here's a couple things on my list:

It happened this week...

  • ...on March 6, 2020 at Burdock Music Hall (Women From Space Festival – Night 2).

Alaska B - [excerpt]

  • ...on March 8, 2020 at 918 Bathurst (Women From Space Festival – Night 4).

Heather Saumer feat. Felicity Williams/Alex Samaras/Thom Gill/Robin Dann - unknown

[Do remember that you can click on the tags below to go back and find the original posts (and often, more stuff) from these artists.]

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Recording: Colin Fisher

Artist: Colin Fisher

Song: [excerpt]

Recorded at Wenona Lodge (Track Could Bend #101), February 4, 2025.

Colin Fisher - [excerpt]

Track Could Bend's one hundred and first show was originally conceived as a reflection on the very first one back in April 2015, and a reprise of Allison Cameron's solo performance was duly booked. When illness caused a last-minute change in plans (look for a make-up date for A.C. in a couple months!) the call went out to some friends of the series — and to everyone's great fortune, Colin Fisher was available. Bringing guitar and soprano saxophone, Fisher navigated through his arc of effects and expression pedals, zooming out from the ethereal to the sputtery, imploding into shimmer and feedback.

You can check out some more from this set over on youtube:

[Track Could Bend is back at Wenona on Tuesday (March 4th) with sets from M.D.N.R. (Max Donaldson and Nate Robertson) plus Del Stephen's Totoloto.]

Recording: Milmine/Vespaziani/Lynn

Artist: Kayla Milmine/Bob Vespaziani/Michael Lynn

Song: [1st piece]

Recorded at Wenona Lodge (Track Could Bend #101), February 4, 2025.

Kayla Milmine/Bob Vespaziani/Michael Lynn - [1st piece]

Track Could Bend's one hundred and first show was originally conceived as a reflection on the very first one back in April 2015. One hitch there was that featured performer Michael Keith is out on the West Coast now (and still making music!), but Michael Lynn and Bob Vespaziani (who backed him on that gig) were available, so I asked them to propose someone to perform with. Bob suggested Kayla Milmine (who, by chance, played at TCB#2) and added that the set would be an acoustic one. The results were fully satisfying, with the trio exploring some different textures and techniques over three pieces, drifting and galloping in all directions

You can check out some more from this set over on youtube:

[Track Could Bend is back at Wenona on Tuesday (March 4th) with sets from M.D.N.R. (Max Donaldson and Nate Robertson) plus Del Stephen's Totoloto.]