Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Recording: Carded Ensemble

Artist: Carded Ensemble

Songs: [two excerpts]

Recorded at Walter Hall, February 24, 2025.

Carded Ensemble - [excerpt 1]

Carded Ensemble - [excerpt 2]

"Carded", Patrick O'Reilly's ongoing compositional project, has been a work-in-progress for a few years now, taking blank playing cards and turning them into handmade improvisational cues. The cards can be dispatched in various ways, from dealing performers a hand, to (as was the case here) giving each player a full custom deck with the instruction to turn over and interpret a new card every minute.

That, with the addition of timed solo spots for each of the participants, gave enough structure to keep a nine-piece ensemble from tripping into chaos and too-muchness. It also fosters a genuine sense of play, both in the novel interpretations required and in the act of occasionally passing cards around to share a cue. This particular incarnation of Carded was even more deeply collaborative, as the decks of cards used by the nine performers were each made by nine guest "composers".

The ensemble for this performance was:

  • Patrick O'Reilly: guitar and pedals
  • Samuel Little, double bass
  • amiel ang: vibes, gong, music stand
  • Samuel Laramee: synths and piano
  • Omar Yazaw: saxophone
  • Leah Reavster: saxophone
  • Brendan Beaton: trumpet
  • %%30%30: percussion
  • Annie Elgie: balloons, voice

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