Monday, March 17, 2025

Monday Roundup #218

Concert announcements:

Clue Note: Trivia Night and Creative Music (feat. Rob Clutton/Bea Labikova/Mira Martin-Gray/Doug Tielli/Kevin Turcotte/Mark Zurawinski) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2025-03-25 (Tuesday – early) [more info]

Ministry of Phonic Services presents BPM: the Big Percussion Meeting (feat. _53d8ZxP / Aidan McConnell / Jaz Tsui / Louis Pino / Mateos Labbé-Phelan / Raphael Roter) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2025-03-27 (Thursday). $pwyc. [more info]

Exit Points #58 (feat. Behnoosh Behnamnia/Doris Du/Kimia Farokhzad/Zack Goldstein/Brank Oh! / Kristine White/Joel Ong/Piers Oolvai/Aisha Sasha John/Michael Palumbo / Switchemups) / Array Space 2025-03-28 (Friday). $15 early bird / $20 adv / $25 door. [FB event]

Leucrocuta (SUV / britney cage) / Collective Arts 2025-04-04 (Friday). $15 at the door / no one turned away. [FB event]

Mike DeiCont Trio [Mike DeiCont/Eric West/Leland Whitty] / The Rex 2025-04-06 (Sunday) [FB event]

Tranzac Fundraiser IV (feat. Dorothea Paas Band / Raf Reza / C'est La Fête) / The Tranzac (Main Hall) 2025-04-10 (Thursday). $28.27, 19+. [more info/tickets]

FACS (Noble Rot / Natural Light) / The Dance Cave 2025-04-12 (Saturday). $28.19, 19+. [FB event]

Trés Bien Ensemble (Doc Pickles) / The Mezz 2025-04-18 (Friday) [FB event]

Labyrinth Ensemble with Âriâ Mohâfez / Aga Khan Museum 2025-05-03 (Saturday). $40 Regular, $36 Friends of Aga Khan Museum, $30 Students and Seniors. [more info]

Cola (Jane Inc.) / The Garrison 2024-07-18 (Friday). $31.51, 19+. [FB event]

Is your show missing from this list? Submit it via this form!

Shows this week:

Harley Card Trio [Harley Card/Dan Fortin/Ethan Ardelli] / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2025-03-17 (Monday) [more info]

Freesound Presents: Music for Solo Instruments #1 (feat. Michael Murphy / Amahl Arulanandam / Matti Pulkki) / Array Space 2025-03-20 (Thursday). $22.63. [FB event]

CMC Presents (feat. DOG Ensemble [wrangled by Patrick O’Reilly]) / Canadian Music Centre – Chalmers Performance Space 2025-03-20 (Thursday). $15 Advance / $20 at the door ($12 Advance / $15 at the door for CMC Members and Arts Workers; $10 students). [more info]

Battle Milk (But Worse / New Time More Words) / The Tranzac (Living Room) 2025-03-20 (Thursday). $pwyc (suggested $5). [more info]

Spheres of Southworth: Equinox Egg-Spiritus (feat. John Southworth & Friends) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2025-03-21 (Friday – early) [more info]

Acid Baby Jesus (The John Denver Airport Conspiracy) / The Sound Garage 2025-03-21 (Friday). $28.98, 19+. [FB event]

Long Winter 13.4 (feat. SLASH NEED / Secret Sign / Arc&Texture / Edmund Stay) / St. Anne's Parish Hall 2025-03-21 (Friday). $pwyc, all-ages. [more info]

Freesound presents (feat. Transsonic / Jason Doell) / Array Space 2025-03-22 (Saturday). $22.63.postponed until fall [FB event]

Not Dead Yet Presents (feat. Kali Malone) / Trinity St. Paul's 2025-03-22 (Saturday). $43.35/$48.39, all ages. [more info]

Basic [Chris Forsyth/Douglas McCombs/Mikel Patrick Avery] / The Sound Garage 2025-03-22 (Saturday). $28.98, 19+. [FB event]

Long Winter 13.5 (feat. Roach / SO TIRED / Dynesti / Leevisa) / St. Anne's Parish Hall 2025-03-22 (Saturday). $pwyc, all-ages. [more info]

Cosmic Homeostasis XXVII / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2025-03-23 (Sunday – noon). $pwyc, family-friendly. [FB event]

Freesound Presents: Music for Solo Instruments #2 (feat. Michael Murphy / Amahl Arulanandam / Matti Pulkki) / Array Space 2025-03-23 (Sunday). $22.63. [FB event]

It happened this week...

  • ...on March 17, 2012 at Placebo Space.

Maica Mia - Jonny-o

  • ...on March 23, 2012 at Saving Gigi (Lazy Afternoon showcase).

Marine Dreams - Yet To See The Sun

[Do remember that you can click on the tags below to go back and find the original posts (and often, more stuff) from these artists.]

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