Monday, July 8, 2024

Monday Roundup #182

Concert announcements:

Kurt Newman presents: an evening of cool solos (feat. Christine Bougie / Kayla Milmine / Dan Pitt / Patrick O'Reilly / Thom Gill / Kurt Newman) / Wenona Lodge 2024-07-16 (Tuesday)

The Harley Card Quintet with special guest Alex Samaras [Harley Card/Alex Samaras/David French/Matt Newton/Jon Maharaj/Ethan Ardelli] / The Rex 2024-07-17–2024-07-20 (Wednesday–Saturday). $16 and up. [FB event]

Exit Points #51 (feat. Zoma/!/Raf Wilcot/Owen Kurtz/Chas Lawther / Talia Fuchs/Nilan Perera/Laura Barrett/Aline Homzy/Michael Palumbo) / Array Space 2024-07-26 (Friday). $20. [FB event]

Cowbird Composers Collective Meta Residency: Growth and Decay (Array Workshop #1) ["open to any musicians that show up with instruments and want to play"] / Array Space 2024-07-27 (Saturday) [FB event]

Track Could Bend #94 (feat. Dangertown [Dafna Naphtali & Hans Tammen] / Eye_Duh Kho) / Wenona Lodge 2024-08-06 (Tuesday). $pwyc. [FB event]

Is your show missing from this list? Submit it via this form!

Shows this week:

Toronto Electronic Music Open Mic / Handlebar 2024-07-08 (Monday)

Cowbird Composer Collective Meta Residency: Four Pieces (feat. Paul Newman / Brian Abbott / Germaine Liu & Cheryl Duvall / Manuel Morales) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2024-07-08 (Monday) [FB event]

Ghostgirl Residency (feat. Devon Henderson/Aidan McConnell/Michael Davidson/Steven Noronha/Aline Homzy) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2024-07-09 (Tuesday – early)

Josh Cole presents (feat. Josh Cole Quartet + Strings [Aline Homzy/Lina Allemano/Nick Storring/John Oswald/Blake Howard/Josh Cole]) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2024-07-09 (Tuesday). $10/pwyc. [FB event]

Donna Lee Quartet [Reg Schwager/Josh Cole/Nick Fraser/Brodie West] / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2024-07-10 (Wednesday – early)

Never Was [Brandon Davis/Racha Moukalled/Patrick O’Reilly/Joe Sorbara] / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2024-07-10 (Wednesday)

Karen Ng presents (feat. Windscour [Joe Moffett/Zach Rowden] / The Adjacences [Lina Allemano/Ryan Driver/Nick Fraser/Karen Ng] / Shadow Pattern) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2024-07-11 (Thursday). $15/pwyc

Musica Universalis (feat. Mark Hundevad & Colin Fisher) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2024-07-12 (Friday). $10 suggested donation

Lina Allemano Four / Hirut Café 2024-07-13 (Saturday). $20. [FB event]

Freesound Presents: Mostly Open Scores (feat. Andrew Noseworthy/Amahl Arulanandam/Matti Pulkki/Michael Murphy/Wesley Shen)/ Society Clubhouse 2024-07-13 (Saturday). $17.31. [FB event]

Ayal Senior and Friends presents (feat. Nick Flanagan / Jane Inc / You're Steel on My Mind [Joe Strutt & Kurt Newman]) / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2024-07-14 (Sunday – 2:30 p.m.). $pwyc. [FB event]

Carlton Park Concerts presents (feat. Joseph Shabason / Andre Ethier / Eucalyptus) / Carlton Park 2024-07-14 (Sunday – 4 p.m.). $pwyc, outdoors, kid-friendly

Modern Roots Jazz Americana Summer Series (feat. Aline Homzy's NDG [Aline Homzy/Michael Davidson/Spencer Cole/Jon Maharaj]) / Hirut Café 2024-07-14 (Sunday). $20, dining available. [more info]

It happened this week...

  • ...on July 8, 2017 at Prairie Drive Park (Feast in the East 63).

Saxsyndrum - Maceo

  • ...on July 14, 2017 at Gerrard Art Space (Eclec~Tic~Toc Fest, Vol. 1 – Night 1).

Ben Grossman/cheryl o/Barry Prophet - [excerpt]

[Do remember that you can click on the tags below to go back and find the original posts (and often, more stuff) from these artists.]

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