Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Recording: Nobuo Kubota

Artist: Nobuo Kubota

Song: [last section]

Recorded at The Music Gallery, April 19, 2024.

Nobuo Kubota - [last section]

There was some savvy programming in choosing the openers for two nights of absurdist, polymorphously-perverse puppeteering duo Poncili Creacion. (I heard that the second night's performance from Brian Ruryk was a cracker, too.) Music Gallery O.G. Nobuo Kubota, who's been improvising joyfully in this city for over half a century, was on point with his mix of percussion, giddy babble, and crackle synth. Now in his nineties, it was clear he'd won over a room with a younger-skewing crowd, most of whom probably didn't know anything about his history, but connected with his energy.

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