Artist: Bea Labikova/Mira Martin-Gray/Heather Saumer
Song: [excerpt]
Recorded at 918 Bathurst (Track Could Bend #100), February 16, 2025.
Bea Labikova/Mira Martin-Gray/Heather Saumer - [excerpt]
Track Could Bend will be having its tenth anniversary in April — although given how time got weird for a while there and the series took fourteen months off, it seems like a slightly ambiguous mark for celebration. This big round number, however, felt like the right opportunity to mark a special occasion. In the beforetimes, TCB marked its anniversaries with special events, gathering the folks who had played over the previous year and drawing names from a hat to construct some spontaneous new combos. I had the notion to scale that up and duly invited back everyone who had ever played the series — over three hundred performers! — for an afternoon and evening of fun.
As fate would have it, the long-planned-for day came with a monumental snowstorm, so the inability to get around kept some folks at home. And yet, this event still saw twenty-one performers take the stage, duly selected from the hat and sorted into seven trios. As is often the case, these instant bands made some gorgeous sounds, showing off the ability of TCB's community to adapt, co-operate and thrive. A fun time had was had by many — a fitting launch to the next ten years.
Capable of melodious harmonizing, this all-star trio instead veered into slyly-warbly twitters with Mira Martin-Gray's (MFS#34, 58, 79, 95) noisemakers calling out to Bea Labikova's (MFS#33, 56, 69, 99) saxophonic squawks and the piano/percussion of Heather Saumer's (MFS#21, 30) homing beacons.
You can check out the full set over on youtube:
[Track Could Bend will be back at Wenona Lodge, its usual home, on April 1st in a special co-presentation with Ministry of Phonic Services presenting sets from Mira Martin-Gray & Sierra Weston and Wilderness Adventure Ride.]
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