Monday, February 3, 2025

Monday Roundup #212

Concert announcements:

Brodie West's New Double Bass Quintet [Brodie West/Patrick O'Reilly/Josh Cole/Rob Clutton/Nick Fraser] / The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge) 2024-02-12 (Wednesday – early). $pwyc. [more info]

Makam Nights (feat. Gandhaar Amin / Mehdi Rostami) / The Tranzac (Living Room) 2025-02-20 (Thursday). $pwyc. [FB event]

PACKS (Triples / Romeo Romeo) / Monarch Tavern 2025-02-20 (Thursday). $28.25, 19+. [tickets + more info]

Tenebrae Of Good Friday [works by Tomás Luis de Victoria] (feat. The Tallis Choir) / St. Patrick's Church 2025-03-01 (Saturday). $30 General, $25 Seniors, $10 for Students (at the door). [FB event]

Sub-Sessions #9 (feat. Citizenry / Precious Jewel / Garden of Magic) / BSMT 254 2025-03-07 (Friday). $14.64 (early bird), $17.31 (general admission), all ages. [FB event]

Labyrinth Ontario presents: Fragmented Forms ["Fragmented Forms explores the possibilities of improvisation by utilizing both the microtonal aspect of Makam music and free improvisation, and how the two coalesce."] (feat. Araz Salek/Aysel Taghi-Zada/Cory Harper-Latkovich/Sara Constant/Yang Chen) / Annette Studios 2025-03-08 (Saturday). $27.96. [FB event]

Is your show missing from this list? Submit it via this form!

Shows this week:

Track Could Bend #101 (feat. Allison Cameron / Kayla Milmine/Bob Vespaziani/Michael Lynn) / Wenona Lodge 2025-02-04 (Tuesday). $pwyc. [FB event]

Soundstreams Encounters: Poitu Varen ["an installation of four pianos each connected through a series of specialized speakers... composed by Toronto-based composer Kalaisan Kalaichelvan"] (feat. Chris Pruden/Walker Grimshaw/Zoe Markle) / Hugh’s Room 2025-02-05 (Wednesday). $free with reservation. [more info]

The Mike DeiCont Trio [Mike DeiCont/Leland Whitty/Eric West] / Sellers and Newell 2025-02-07 (Friday). $20 minimum donation. [more info]

undercommons collective presents: Sam Newsome's Straight Horn Magick Tour! (feat. Subspace Interception [Sam Newsome & Kayla Milmine] / Soprano Sax Quintet [Sam Newsome/Andrew Kay/Jonathan Kay/Bea Labikova/Kayla Milmine]) / Annette Studios 2025-02-07 (Friday). [FB event]

Fortunato Durutti Marinetti (Sara May / Giving) / The Cameron House (back room) 2025-02-07 (Friday). $15 adv / $20 door, 19+. [tickets + more info]

Roulette Intermedium × MG (feat. Allison Cameron & Madeline Stepien [fka pent] / John Kameel Farah) / The Music Gallery 2025-02-07 (Friday). 17.03/$22.20 PWYCA, all ages. [FB event]

Ministry of Phonic Services presents: a night of the serene (feat. OH GEE [Rob Campbell/Marilyn Yogarajah] / zoma / Denis Romanov / Woolworm, Ontario) / Agenda Cafe + Bar 2024-02-08 (Saturday). $pwyc. [more info]

Batuki Music Society presents (feat. Coup de Coeur [Sadio Sissokho/Assane Seck/Seydina Ndiaye/ILAM/Pape Ndiaye/Carlo Birri]) / Alliance Française 2025-02-08 (Saturday). $14.11/$20.50 (advance). [FB event]

Sam Newsome's Straight Horn Magick Tour! (feat. Sam Newsome/Nick Fraser/Marilyn Lerner/Jonathan Kay/Kayla Milmine) / The Rex 2025-02-09–10 (Sunday–Monday). [FB event]

It happened this week...

  • ...on February 6, 2016 at CineCycle.

SPOILS - What Pink Cheek

  • ...on February 7, 2016 at The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge).

c_RL - [excerpt from set 1, first piece]

[Do remember that you can click on the tags below to go back and find the original posts (and often, more stuff) from these artists.]

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