Thursday, July 25, 2024

Recording: Cosmic Homeostasis XXIV

Artist: Cosmic Homeostasis XXIV

Songs: 100,000,000,000,000.1 Neutrinos [excerpt] + Elegy for Monstera [excerpt]

Recorded at The Tranzac (Southern Cross Lounge), June 30, 2023.

Cosmic Homeostasis XXIV - 100,000,000,000,000.1 Neutrinos [excerpt]

Cosmic Homeostasis XXIV - Elegy for Monstera [excerpt]

Once again, the Cosmic Homeostasis crew gathered on a fifth Sunday of the month for some expansive space-drift. Playing on an unusual Canada Day long weekend, when the city felt a little emptied-out, saw a slightly smaller than usual crew in attendance — but with ten performers on hand, "small" is relative, and there was still plenty of sounds and plenty of spaces between sounds.

The performers this time around were:

  • Phil Johnston - tape loop + 1-string guitar, namer-of-things
  • Jonny Luke - cornet
  • Michael Lynn - bass/clarinet
  • Rob Cruickshank - electronics
  • Sterling McPhedran - guitar
  • Ian McPhedran - uke/banjo
  • Eric Cinnesealach - clarinets/percussion
  • Scott M2 - Animoog
  • Jon Kereliuk - piano
  • Heraclitus Akimbo - Medo + Bastl synths

As always, the full session is available as a name-your price album on Bandcamp:

Plus, you can also check out both sets (and some informative space facts) over on youtube:

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