Monday, December 14, 2020

Bumping into... you

Okay, so here's the thing. As much as I miss hearing music live, I miss the community of hearing music more.

There's a lot of people out there — some people I'd call friends, some not-friends-yet, and some just nodding acquaintences — that I really like to run into. And in the past, by and large, I never had to work at setting anything up to run into them... I'd just head to a show and someone I wanted to see would be there. There's folks that I'd run into all the time, at The Tranzac or The Music Gallery or The Baby G, and also folks I might only see once a season or a couple times a year... but it would still be sweet to stop and pause and exchange a few words and catch up.

So at the risk of spoiling the soufflĂ© with enforced mingling, I'm going to try and do some of that. Starting with myself, I'm going to post some little "what's up" conversations and see if we can revive that convivial feeling of running across a friendly face. There's so many people I want to run into, so I'll run as many of these as people want to submit — and try to get in touch with different peeps in different sub-communities who do different things. (So, not just peeps who make music, but those who listen to music and who make music-things happen).

Some nights you might run into me and I'd barely nod, and some nights I'd talk your ear off. I filled out my own questionnaire and turned out to be in a chatty mood — hopefully others will be as well. This is the starting point — you can click the "bumping into" tag below to find all the responses.

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