Monday, May 10, 2010

Hot Docs 2010: Wrap-up

Just a quick wrap-up to cap off Hot Docs. Trying not to over-exert myself, I saw forty-three titles at thirty-four screenings, if my counting is correct. On the whole, the quality was pretty good — though it might indicate that I know how to pick the ones I'm interested in. I'd say overall I was knocked-over by fewer docs this year, but I was bored stiff less, too. Welcome to life's mushy middle.1

Anyways, just because I like counting things, I made a chart of where I saw the movies:

Only made it to The Royal once, mostly because it's a bit further away from the other clustered venues. I made a conscious effort to avoid Innis as much as possible — I find the seats murder on the tuchus.2 The ROM theatre isn't much better, especially on days with multiple screenings to go to. The Bader remains a pleasant experience, though it's showing its age a bit, and appears like some of the upkeep has been deferred a bit.

On the whole, the festival was well-run. In terms of set-up and organization, everything worked pretty much the same as it has for the past few years. The Premium Pass was a good deal once again, and I had no problems getting into any of my screenings. The numbers should be pretty good, too — I was only at one screening that I would label "lightly attended". Generally, theatres were full. I didn't do any counting, but my impression is that there were fewer filmmakers on hand this year.

I've already given a write-up on everything I've seen, so for summary, perhaps just a quick list of this year's best, in order of preference:

Best of the Fest, 2010

  • Marwencol

  • The Peddler

  • La Belle Visite

  • Gasland

  • 12th & Delaware

  • Steam of Life

  • Freetime Machos

  • Regretters

  • OsadnĂ©

  • The Fabulous Fiff and Fam

  • And Everything Is Going Fine

  • If you get a chance to catch any of these films, they should be worth your time.

    1 It makes me mildly curious if that indicates that I have reached a point with documentaries that I've been at with music for awhile now — not so much "the thrill is gone" as the highs are less high and the lows are less low than they used to be.

    2 Plus it was uncomfortably hot during the first screening I saw there.


    1. Joe! Did you see the Parking Lot Movie?!
      It was BRILLIANT! I thought! Also really liked Marwencol, too. Didn't see anything else on your top list.

    2. No, I'm sad to have missed it — everyone said it was good. So now I'm looking out for it to re-surface elsewhere.
