Sunday, March 2, 2014

Recording: Nyssa

Artist: Nyssa

Song: unknown*

Recorded at Handlebar, February 22, 2014.

Nyssa - unknown

Full review to follow. Modern Superstitions sort of exited the scene all at once, but it's no surprise that after some time to take stock that frontwoman Nyssa Rosaleen has re-emerged in a new solo project. Operating under her first name, Nyssa is a complete stylistic reinvention, using dark-edged synths as a foundation for Rosaleen's big voice. There's just one song on her bandcamp right now, but the set promises there's more to come — if this project meets the potential of what she's revealed so far, it won't be long before references to her old band of the sort I started with are relegated to mere footnote status.

* Does anyone know the title to this one? Please leave a comment!

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